Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales and the...
Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales and the most populous urban city in Australia. It is located on Australias south, east coast along the Tasman Sea. To the east of Sydney you will find the basin bordered by the Pacific Ocean. To the west is the Blue Mountains region in New South Wales. North of Sydney you will find the Hawkesbury River. South of Sydney is the Woronora Plateau. To see more information on Sydney’s location, see Image 1 below. Sydney is located on a submerging coastline, meaning the ocean level has risen and is flooding deep river valleys carved out in sandstone. There are more than seventy harbors and ocean beaches in Sydney including the famous Bondi Bay (Australian Government 2008). According to the†¦show more content†¦Image 1: Seek Sydney: The Gateway to Australia. â€Å"Sydney Area Map.†Last Modified April 24, 2014. Migration Patterns Since the early nineteenth century, Chinese migration to Australia has played a big role in the economic and political development of Australia (Inglis 2012). According to their 2011 census, the rapid growth in migration is evident (Inglis 2012). In 2011, Australia’s long-term resident population increased over five years by 8.3% to 21,507,717 people (Inglis 2012). Surprisingly, even more rapid has been the growth in numbers involving the Chinese population. Of about 319,000, those born in China were 1.5% of Sydney’s total population (Inglis 2012). This ranked them as the third largest foreign born group in Sydeny, ranking behind only those born in England 4.2% and New Zealand 2.2% (Inglis 2012). Although this ranking has been unchanged since 2006, the numbers of those born in China has increased rapidly by 50% over this five year period (Inglis 2012). Languages With connection to the increase in migration from China, the importance of Chinese languages in Australia is growing as well. Mandarin which is spoken by 1.6% of the population, about 336,410 people, at home has now taken place of Italian as the most important language other than English in Australia (Inglis 2012). Christine Inglis (2012) found from the perspective of Sydney’s
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Graduation Speech High School - 1090 Words
High school teachers try to explain what college is like, but it s hard to imagine until you actually start college classes. I ve learned that college has some similarities to high school but overall, it is a completely different atmosphere. Entering college, you will see a major change in the way that you are treated. Unlike high school, you are treated as an adult. Your professors give you the responsibility that you never had before, such as doing your homework or not, allowing you to leave class without asking, and most importantly, giving you the choice to come to class or not. However, a lot of people take advantage of not having to go to class every time but being in class is very important, especially in EN 101. You don t miss out on the notes that the professor gives, you get time with your classmates to evaluate each others writing, you have time to talk to your professor and ask questions, you get to see examples of papers which will give you ideas and kick start your draf ting process, and most of all you aren t wasting the hundreds of dollars that you paid for the class. I encourage you to do your very best to make it to each class, because I promise it will ease a lot of stress and you will do better academically. The very first thing that Mr. van Hartesveldt had us write down was, â€Å"Take copious notes.†Following that, he quoted Negative Nancy by saying. â€Å"Education is voluntary.†These two statements made a large impact on my way of thinking. ThroughoutShow MoreRelatedGraduation Speech : High School934 Words  | 4 Pageslife would be graduation. For many people, graduating from high school is an objective. It takes a lot of time, effort, and determination to accomplish that goal. For others graduation is the end of high school, and the beginning of a new chapter in life. When graduated people feel as if adulthood has begun. In the long run, graduating opens a lot of opportunities for people to thrive. I can almost reminisce the day as if it was yesterday. I was sitting in bed like any other school day. It seemedRead MoreGraduation Speech : High School852 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to a report from Thomas Nelson Community College website, 15.7 percent is the graduation rate in 2010. 84 percent of students failed to receive their degree. That’s beyond sad. College can be difficulty especially with everyday life is getting harder to main family life work and financials. Because college is challenging, I know that I have issues that I must overcome. I told myself the more patient s I have the better success I will have. Although college will be difficult my goal isRead MoreGraduation Speech : High School Essay2254 Words  | 10 Pages The day I graduated from high school The High school graduation day is a life full of journeys for everyone, high school life is a memorable time for most people, for me as well. High school can be filled with lots of good memories for some people and it could be filled with bad memories, for me it was both I had good times and I had bad times. The High school Graduation day should definitely be the best day of your life because that means no more high school, no more having to wake up at 6Read MoreGraduation Speech : High School Graduation854 Words  | 4 Pagesfail High School graduation can be an exciting time in a student’s life. It is a time in their lives where they begin to experience the kind of freedom that comes along with growing up. This freedom allows students to choose the type of college or University they would like to attend. It is necessary that they understand how responsible they need to be with the freedom that is being offered to them. When choosing what college or university to attend it may be tempting to want to go to a school thatRead MoreGraduation Speech : High School Graduation1507 Words  | 7 PagesForest English 1010 9/9/2014 Graduation During our lives, most of us have hated getting up early. Whether we as humans enjoy mornings or not, we’re always looking forward to that unforgettable day. That special is high school graduation for me. Graduation is a ceremony that recognizes students that have excelled through school. Graduation was one of the best days of my life, perhaps even better than the day that I started college. There is no other day like graduation where there comes this feelingRead MoreGraduation Speech : High School Graduation933 Words  | 4 PagesHigh School Graduation With regards to high school graduation, Balfanz, Herzog, and Iver (2007) followed 12,972 Philadelphia students enrolled in traditional middle schools from six grade (1996-1997) until 1 year beyond their expected graduation from high school (2003-2004) in order to understand what indicators would affect their projected graduation date. Unlike many of the early K-8 schools, the population Balfanz et al followed consisted of 64% African American, 19% White, 12% Hispanic,Read MoreGraduation Speech On High School Graduation851 Words  | 4 PagesThere Is No Success Without The Opportunity to Fail High School graduation can be an exciting time in a student’s life. It is a time when they begin to experience the kind of freedom that comes along with growing up. This freedom allows students to choose the type of college or University they would like to attend. It is necessary that they understand how responsible they need to be with the freedom that is being offered to them. When choosing what college or university they would like toRead MoreGraduation Speech : High School997 Words  | 4 Pagesup, I loved going to school and dreamed of one day attending college. Attending school every day and receiving good grades had become my top priority from K-12. I excelled from K-8th grade, but entering into high school was completely different than primary school. The atmosphere and environment was new to me, I was free to roam the halls or walk back out the door without any repercussions. This began my downward spiral in high school. My freshman year was by far the best school year for me becauseRead MoreGraduation Speech : High School897 Words  | 4 PagesHigh school was one of the most challenging moments in my life. Not only did I have to deal with the academic pressures and social issues from my peers I had external factors that were heavily impacting me as well. During my junior year my mom separated from her husband and me and my three little brothe rs ended up staying house to house with close relatives. Shortly after that time at the beginning of my senior year, my mom was sent to prison. In the midst of dealing with all of the demands thatRead MoreGraduation Speech : High School Essay1434 Words  | 6 PagesWhen I was in high school I had one goal, I would graduate top of my class and go to the University of Florida for pre-medicine, then onto their medical school. I never considered that I would want anything else, so I went to a specialty high school that would allow me to specialize in Biomedical sciences(STEM) and never even thought about the possibility of a life other than the one I had so precisely planned out for myself. When my nephews were born my sophomore year all of my priorities changed
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Essay Social Media in Student Life
Question: Discuss the importance of social media in student life? Answer: Today the whole world is come closer and become a global town and the reason behind this is the advancement in the technology and the great impact, which has affected the society globally with the excessive use of internet and social media sites for every small routine work. From shopping for home groceries to hiring an accountant, every process today is conducted via social media. Many industries have experienced a sudden decline with the emergence of social media sites as the role which was conducted by them traditionally is now been fulfilled by the said websites. For example, the newspaper industry has declined because people today have new channels applications on their phones or read news online. After the industrial revolution, which took place in the 17th Century, the introduction of social media is the new revolution, which has changed the lives and careers of many people all over the world. The introduction of social media has connected people all over the world of differen t backgrounds and race (Academic Excellence in 140 Characters, 2016). Initially, the excessive use of social media by the youth was highly criticized as being a distraction, which was considered a time-wasting activity resulting in no productivity for a very long time. However, with the recent developments like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, the definition of social media has changed, and it has evolved as one of the major learning engines, which is used for various educational and academic purposes. One of the major reasons for this evolution is that the educational institutes recognized the fact that most of the youth who study in these institutes use social media websites almost all throughout the day. This helped them introduce the concept of making the students use the social media to participate actively in studies and assignments and make the educational system more interesting and attractive (Impact of Social Media, 2016). The usual chalkboard, which was used in the traditional classroom, lacked learning from photos, videos and animation. The m odern reformed classes today are conducted with the help laptops, which help the students, watch various subject related videos and pictures that create a better understanding of the subject and help the student to memorize the subject related concepts in a better manner. Social networking sites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter are used by 96% of the worlds population. Therefore, the educational institutes now have started communicating with the students via social media and encouraging them to form groups where they can collectively work on assignments, which will increase their productivity. As social media sites have made communicating with people living anywhere in the world such an easy process, assignments via social media have proved very beneficial and helped many students to improve their grades (Importance of social media, 2016). Certain students who are shy to state their opinion in the classroom also can state their point on social media website where their opinion is appreciated. This method of studying also creates a strong bond and makes students have a better relationship with their classmates, which eventually increases the productivity of every student. Social media sites are a convenient platform for connecting with the teachers, and the teachers can communicate various important university-related information like tests dates, guest speaker lectures timing, etc to the students (TEDxToronto - Don Tapscott, 2016). The use of social media websites is not restricted to just communicating educational information, it is in the recent times extended to allowing teachers to host live online lectures also called as E-learning which has benefited the students who are weaker in studies and require additional assistance. The distance and time issues which teacher initially faced while conducting additional lectures are curbed by the option of online lectures, which can be done at the convenience of teachers or can be uploaded by the teachers on an online site, which students can assess whenever required (Scott Stanway, 2015). The modern era of social media websites is increasing rapidly, and its use is being integrated in many educational institutes. In the recent times, the admission and payment of fees are also accepted online, which helps the overseas students to apply to foreign universities from their hometowns. Even the admission interviews are conducted with the help of a Skype Video call, which decreases the additional travel cost of students who first had to fly down to several foreign colleges who have accepted the students application for personal interviews. Therefore, the importance of social media sites in todays educational system cannot be ignored and considering its benefits, the use of social media sites needs to be highly encouraged for academic purposes. The use of social media sites is became a routine today, which has made the life simpler, and hassle-free (Students Vision on Social Media, 2016). Reference List Academic Excellence in 140 Characters. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 6 March 2016, from Impact of Social Media. (2016). Youtube. Retrieved 6 March 2016, from : Importance of social media. (2016). Youtube. Retrieved 6 March 2016, from : Scott, O., Stanway, A. (2015). Tweeting the Lecture: How Social Media Can Increase Student Engagement in Higher Education. SMEJ, 9(2), 91-101. Students Vision on Social Media. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 6 March 2016, from : TEDxToronto - Don Tapscott - 9/10/09. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved 6 March 2016, from
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Who Are We To Judge Essays - Richard Cory, Cory, Narration
Who Are We To Judge Who Are We to Judge Anyone? Sometimes it is easy to form an opinion about someone based on what you see from the outside, but by no means is this an effective way of assessing the way someone is inside. Just like you cannot judge a book a book by its cover, you cannot judge a person without getting to know them. Both Edwin Robinson's, Richard Cory, and Wystan Auden's, The Unknown Citizen try to do this. Who is to say that their analysis of the two characters is correct? The two poems are based only on what is observed, not what is known. Richard Cory is structured in a very consistent, easy to read manner, but is as harsh and radical as the form is classical and neat. The poem is an extended description of a man, a very rich, successful man, named Richard Cory. The narrator of the poem spends a good part of the poem, the first three stanzas, doing nothing but genuinely praising this man. In the first stanza, Richard Cory is portrayed as the envy of all those around him, the object of everyone's attention. He refers to Cory as a gentleman from sole to crown, and even uses language that sounds suited to describe royalty when he calls Cory Clean favored, and imperially slim. The second and third stanzas go on in much the same way. In the second stanza, the narrator describes Cory's social standing. In the narrator's eye's, Cory continues to be the perfect, polite gentleman, as he was always human when he talked.. Cory was certainly not the picture of a snobbish or rude man. Cory was also a very popular fellow, as he fluttered pulses with a simple Good-morning, Cory was an impressive social figure indeed. However, the poem takes a sudden, dark twist in the last stanza. Robinson does this by first revealing a little more about the narrator. In the first two lines of the fourth stanza, the narrator says: So on we worked, and waited for the light, And went without meat and cursed the bread . . .. This is obviously a reference to the narrator's own poor financial and social state. For the narrator, work is a place of darkness and hardship where you simple wait for the light. For the narrator, there is no meat to eat at dinnertime, and after so many meals without it, you begin to curse the cheap bread that you do have to eat. However, not one bad word about Cory passes from the narrator's lips. This speaks volumes about Cory's character, and makes the reader think that maybe this Richard Cory is as great a guy as he seems. In the last two lines of the last stanza, with a minimum of detail and no explanation, Robinson simply tells how Cory calm summer night, Went home and put a bullet through his head. With that, the poem ends, but the questions remain. Robinson never even gives us a clue as to why this popular rich man would do a horrible thing such as this, but this just goes to show that not everything is as it seems. By taking what is viewed only from a distance, you cannot assume everything is right. In comparison, just as Richard Cory was told from an outside standpoint, The Unknown Citizen was written in the same way. This time, instead of the story being told by someone looking up to him, admiring him, it is told from the perspective of an unemotional, unexcitable individual. The speaker of this poem seems to be a government employee or an official from the State. He is someone who strictly follows rules and regulations. He makes sure that the unknown citizen obeys the rules and does everything in order. He shows no emotion in describing the events and records of the unknown citizen. His routine is highly emphasized. To the speaker, statistics are extremely important to grade and categorize the unknown citizen. The unknown citizen is someone who pays his taxes, satisfies the employers, reads the newspaper daily, has the correct number of children, fights for peace and supports the war. In spite of all these
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