Thursday, October 31, 2019
Is Biomedical Model out of Date Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Is Biomedical Model out of Date - Essay Example From this study it is clear that the main focus of this model is on the pathology, the biochemistry and the physiology of a disease. The role of the person's mind or society in the cause and treatment of the disease is discarded in this model. The main reason behind the birth of this model was the influence of Cartesian paradigm on medical thought. This model is considered as the conceptual foundation to the modern medicine. There is a growing perception, however, that the biomedical model cannot fully reflect the broad realities of modern health care.This discussion highlights that disease is considered to be malfunctioning of certain part in the body. It is based on 'the notion of the body as a machine, of disease as the consequence of breakdown of the machine, and of the doctor's task as repair of the machine.' This approach has a serious shortcoming because by focusing on smaller parts of the body we lose the sight of patient as a human being. Also by considering health as pro per functioning of organs we are unable to deal with the phenomenon of healing as it is not only based on physical factors but on psychological factors of the human body. The concept of health and the concept of life are closely related. Around the globe people follow different cultures and life styles. They are adapted to different environment and slight change in the environment may lead to change in their health.... So here the ecological dimension is also considered while considering the concept of health. This contradicts the bio medical model. In the biomedical model, health is defined as the absence of disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as 'a dynamic state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity'. This clearly shows that the biomedical model fails to address the social and psychological issues and thus can be considered to be outdated. The new era of medical science witnessed tremendous advancement in technology and physicians succeeded in knowing human body deeper and deeper. In spite of much advancement physicians are failing to deal with the unique self of their patients. The medical profession, which is mainly based on reductionistic biomedical model of human being, has left no room for the social, psychological and behavioral dimensions of illness. Due to this patients are unable to communicate their exact problem to the physician and are responding only with a spate of malpractice suits. This clearly shows that by following the outdated biomedical model physicians were failing to treat their patients well. There has been difficulty in assessing the relation between medicine and health as most health statistics use the narrow biomedical concept of health which defines it as the absence of disease. The correct approach is to consider the health of the individual and also health of the society .this should include mental illness and social pathologies. This clearly shows that the biomedical model can only contribute to the elimination of certain diseases but cannot guarantee complete restoration of health. Holistic view of illness tells that
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Contemporary Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Contemporary Marketing - Essay Example The company was formed in 1998, by two Stanford University students Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Hamen, 2011). The company has grown extensively over the years and has in many ways surpassed the basic objective of accumulating all information and providing easier accessibility across the globe. As explained in the website, â€Å"From offering search in a single language we now offer dozens of products and servicesâ€â€including various forms of advertising and web applications for all kinds of tasksâ€â€in scores of languages. And starting from two computer science students in a university dorm room, we now have thousands of employees and offices around the world†(Google, 2011). The company now has a wide range of products and services and several different options which help make it easier for the world to share the information. For instance the company has developed several applications like Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and many others which help in better acces sibility to data and information. The further sections will deal with the impact of technology on several aspects of marketing of Google (Hamen, 2011). Marketing communication is a major part of every business and in some ways can be considered to be a subset of marketing itself. The marketing of a company is based on the marketing mix (4 Ps in the case of products and 7 Ps in the case of services), and marketing communication is a means of promoting the marketing mix of a company. Technology and marketing go hand in hand and with the ever changing technology, the options for marketing communication have also increased to a great extent (Jobber, 2009). Marketing communication within a company needs to be integrated as it helps keep the customers aware of the brand name and image. Advancing technology is definitely not a trend and this has a number of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Loss Of Innocence Lord Of The Flies English Literature Essay
Loss Of Innocence Lord Of The Flies English Literature Essay The book lord of the flies was published in 1954 by the Nobel-prize winner William Golding during the period of the cold war and the atomic age but the book situates during the World War II that has happened some year before the publication aside from the fact that William Golding had participated during this war in the royal navy participating in the sinking of the German ship the Bismark and participating in the invasion of Normandy making more clear the way he puts the characters and how they change into more savage beings aside for stating his idea of how the culture the man creates fails showing the influence of the context at that time. The purpose of this extended essay from the novel The lord of the flies by William Golding is to show to what point the loss of innocence of the main characters of this novel that change from good educated kids to savage people when they get in a virgin island doing a lot of things that kids should not do, making the loss of innocence a progressive thing This topic was chosen because it is very important how people even children can change into a totally different kind of people especially in one characteristic which is present in all kids and that is the innocence.In this novel the innocence is one of the many characteristics that change but in this case it changes into a form of savagery that is not normal in children that came from the city but because of the circumstances it changes into that way. Abou the topic the loss of innocence I will talk about different points that will help to understand it as how this children were before lossing their innocence ,how they were when they loose it , the way they lose it and the pros and cons of this loos of innocence This extend essay will be divided in two. In the first part it will be seen the author , historical context, the influences of Wiliam Golding and his style of writting and in the second part a discussion of the loss of innocence that is present in the novel. We could generally get to realize that the kids of the novel were force because of their surrounding to become savage people and loss their innocence to stay alive in that deserted island by doing a lot of things that a kid would not normally do. Chapter I Context Biography of the author The author William Holding was born in his grandmother `s house in cornwall were he spent many childhood holiday there. He grew up at his family home in Marlborough Grammar School (1905 to retirement). His father Alec Golding, was a socialist and a teacher with a strong commitment to scientific rationalism, William and his elder brother Joseph study in the same school were their father taught. His mother Mildred was a woman that supported the moderate campaigners for female suffrage. In 1930 William went to Oxford university as an undergraduate at Brasenosed College where he study natural sciences for two year before moving to English literature Golding took his B.A second class in the summer of 1934, and later that year he wrote his first book named Poem, this book was published in London by Macmillan Co, through the help of his Oxford friend, the anthroposophist Adam Bittleson.Golding during all his life was an avid animal rights activist Golding married Ann Brookfield on 30 September 1939 and they had two children, their names were Judy and David. In 1985 Golding and his wife moved to Tullimaar House at Perranaworthal, near Truro,Cornwall, where he died of heart failure,8 years later, on 19 June 1993. He was buried in the village churchyard at South Wiltsshire (this place is near the Hampsire and Dorset country boundaries. He left the draft of a novel, the double tong, set in ancient Delphi, which was published later. Influences World war II changed thinking about mans essential nature, one of this man was him. Before the war people believed that man was essentially good-hearted and society was often evil. However, the atrocities of the war made it very difficult to many people to believe any longer in the supposedly good and innocent nature of human beings as the predominant part of people. You can see the influence of this shift in thinking in Goldings works. Some of Goldings favorite childhood authors were Edgar Rice Burroughs with Tarzan of the Apes, Robert Ballatyne with Coral island and Jules Verne with Twenty thousand leagues under the sea [1] Each of these books portrays man as a basically, normal good creature who struggles to avoid the evils of society. Golding yearned to be similar to the characters in the stories and fables he read They held me rapt, Golding once said of the books he read. I dived with the Nautilus, was shot round the moon, and crossed Darkest Africa in a balloon, descended to the center of the earth, drifted in the South Atlantic, dying of thirst. It always sent me indoors for a drink-the fresh waters of the Amazon. [2] When he was twelve Golding decided to be a writer. He planned a twelve-volume work on trade unions but he could never complete the enormous plan. As said before with his love for books and reading and his early attempts at writing, Golding of studied literature in college. The book was not considered a success at first, it was not until the 1960s, when it captured the attention of college and high school students that critics began to acknowledge Goldings talent. Even now there are differing opinions about the novel. Some believe Goldings writing is bombastic and didactic, that he does not allow you to have any opinion but his. Other critics see him as the greatest English writer of our time. You will find that part of the fun of his book lies in deciding for yourself what you think. Golding has continued to write in spite of the controversy over his work. It would seem that the criticism, rather than frightening him, only challenges him to continue writing. In the same way, Golding challenges readers to think about what he considers most important: the true nature of human beings. The three novels that followed Lord of the FliesThe Inheritors, Pincher Martin, and Free Fallbrought him more success, while the controversy over his talent, or lack of it, continued. Eventually Golding stopped teaching to write full time. In 1983 Golding was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. [3] When World War II began in 1939, Golding joined the Royal Navy. He saw action against German warships, he was in antisubmarine and antiaircraft operations, and in 1944 he was involved in the D-Day naval support for the landings on the beaches of Normandy. He continued to read the classics even as he acquired a reputation for loving tense combat. And his war experiences changed his view about mankinds essential nature. Because of the atrocities he witnessed, Golding came to believe that there was a very dark and evil side to man. [4] The war, he said was unlike any other fought in Europe. It taught us not fighting, politics or the follies of nationalism, but about the given nature of man. [5] After the war Golding returned to teaching in a boys school, which may explain why the characters in Lord of the Flies seem so real. Ralph, Jack, Piggy, Simon, and the other boys are based on the faces and voices of children Golding knew. Thus his reading of the classics, his war expe rience, and his new insight into humanity laid the groundwork for his writing. His first three novel were very much alike the novels he read and he call them as rubbish imitations, these novel have never been published. His fourth novel was Lord of the flies, and when it was finally accepted for publication in 1954, it had been turned down by a lot of publisher around twenty of them In his writing style it can be seen that it is exiting and fast- moving with a lot of aspects that is shown in it, one of them is the length of the sentences depending in the situation, he use long sentences if he wants to move slowly, this sentences are deliberately use to slows the reader ´s pace so that the reader feels relax and to do not expect some of the things that are coming next in the story. This is done to make a sensation of surprise in the reader. On the other side he uses short sentences to make the story impacting as he uses them when something important and shocking is happening in the the story in other words a moment of tension. There is also the use of symbols, this symbols, the majority of them are objects that are in the nature each of them meaning something important as justice or violence. Aside from this he is an author that writes with a great control over sensitivity as he writes the deaths of animals or people in very descriptive and gruesome way as he w as a person that saw the horrors of war, he also like to do the mirror technique as he like to contrast the thing that are shown with opposite words as dark and light, isolation and friendship. Finally he like the use of imagery to enhance the situation to make it more clear to the reader of what is going on. Chapter 2: There are many evident themes in the book the lord of the flies by William Golding. One of the most evident themes trough the novel would be the loss of innocence. It is shown as the story progresses that the innocence of the children is disappearing as the education they received is only a way to maintain the real essence of man that is evil. Because of the lack of civilization an education in the island where the children are trapped the become violent, cruel and primitive showing the real essence of man that the author likes to use in his novels. The loss of innocence is evident in most characters of The Lord of The Flies. But first of all this means that this characters at a timet hey were innocent, this can be seen in the first chapters of the of the book when it is said that this children, Ralph and the others, were good sons and daughters , that they studied in a private school ,they liked to play that they were part of the high society meaning that they had money , as part of the high society in England they were children that were teach with good manners for example, to drink a cup of coffe in the afternoon.All of this meant that they were very educated children that will always do the correct thing nad that they would not hurt anyone but, when the accident with the plain occur that leads them to crush within a virgin island this changed in a progressive a notorious way as the the time passed by because this savagery was needed to survive within the islands there were no easy things to get as in the civilization were th ey only had to ask for the things to they parents as most children an in contrast in the island thy were by themselves trying to survive so they had to hunt animal to eat making a huge contrast in the behavior they had in the civilization and the behavior they had to have in the island, as the children that were portraded swimming in the lagoon in Chapter 3 that when crushed in the island they only wanted to be rescue that turned The painted savages in Chapter 12 who have hunted, tortured, and killed animals and human beings and that now they do not want to be rescued anymore.The autor, William Golding, as a man that hated war is trying to show with this that civilization can not delete the evil nature of the human being that it is shown in the worst moments of the life of the man and that this civilization can only hide and control this evil side that all man have. The process of innocnece degradation can be seen in the spar between Jack and Ralph appears to be constantly stirring. It occurs in the begging of the novel with the election of Ralph as chief all the way to the hunting of pigs. It seems that all Jack wants to do is hunt and kill even before they have any shelter to protect them from the elements. For example in chapter 3 it was said by Jack, We want meat (pg 54). Jack says this on more than one occasion. It is also evident that the boys are becoming more and more savage. For example in chapter eight during the successful hunt of a pig Jack says, Pick up the pig. , This head is for the beast referring to the sows head (pg 137). The head of the pig was impaled upon a spear through the ground as an offering for the beast. Towards the end of the novel it has become self-evident that the innocence of the boys has been completely lost. It at one point had gotten so bad that instead of hunting for food for the necessity of food, human bein gs were killed. For example, in chapter 11 a young boy named Roger, a sadist, rolled a boulder down a hill during a feud and killed piggy. Another example of loss of innocence can be provided in chapter 10 where Simon goes to tell the boys of the real beast while the boys are in a chant screaming, Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill His Blood!. Simon is stabbed with a spear and dies. Society is a key element lacking in The Lord Of The Flies causing the new erratic behavior among the boys. The boys in lord of the flies were unable to retain the much-needed innocence to preserve peace amongst the boys. The ideal supervision and stability of the grown-up world that was lacking caused the instability among the boys and the epitome of the downfall of innocence of mankind at its most primitive state with a huge contrast of what the children were before and what they are now, as when Ralph is first introduced, he is acting like a child, splashing in the water, mocking Piggy, and laughing. He tells Piggy that he is certain that his father, a naval commander, will rescue him, a conviction that the reader understands as the wishful thinking of a little boy. Ralph repeats his belief in their rescue throughout the novel, shifting his hope that his own father will discover them to the far more realistic premise that a passing ship will be attracted by the signal fire on the island. By the end of the novel, he has lost hope in the boys rescue altogether. The progression of Ralphs c haracter from idealism to pessimistic realism expresses the extent to which life on the island has eradicated his childhood. Also you can see that there is a lot of symbolism that represents the loss of innocence as in the island is coded in the early chapters as a kind of paradise, with idyllic scenery, fresh fruit, and glorious weather. Yet, as in the Biblical Eden, the temptation toward corruption is present: the younger boys fear a snake-thing. The snake-thing is the earliest incarnation of the beast that, eventually, will provoke paranoia and division among the group. It also explicitly recalls the snake from the Garden of Eden, the embodiment of Satan who causes Adam and Eves fall from grace. The boys increasing belief in the beast indicates their gradual loss of innocence, a descent that culminates in tragedy. We may also note that the landscape of the island itself shifts from an edenic space to a hellish one, as marked by Ralphs observation of the ocean tide as an impenetrable wall, and by the storm that follows Simons murder. Altought the lack of moral during thier actions is a bad thing , this has pros and cons the pros is that this help them to survive in the island since there is no place to be a educated and a formal man becouse if you are this way there you will get killed an eat by a wild animal or by other things so in a way here applies the survival of the fittest as a principal law to survive, the advantage of the lack of moral in that place is that they will not feel guilty for the killings of animals or people since you need to eat but on the same side the cons of this is that they will lose all social skills, and civilizad ways they have learn trought their lives, in case they are rescued and bring back to the city this will not permit them to have a normal live there as they adapted all to the island.So in way this lack of moral helps them but at the sametime it puts them on danger. Conclusion: In conclusion the loss of innocence is an evident theme trought the novel the lord of the flies of William Golding that is shown throught this characters in an progressive way as the lack of moral that brings down the innocence makes them do horrible things as cannibalism and other things that are worst as the time passes, but aside form the fact that this brings their moral down, this have advantages that helps them to survive in this chaotic situation full of danger. With this the author William Golding tries to show that no matter who you are or what your education you have recieved because when people are in a difficult moment of their lives ,their evil side appears losing all the civiliziced way of behaving as this part is always present in all human people despite their social-economic class , this idea of the human society that the author has is the result of his experiences of war as he presenced killing and other horrible things throught this stage of his life changing his way of seeing things into a pessimistic view of people as he probably did in war things that he is not proud of because this situation makes people change his way of thinking and do things that they would not normally do. This topic could bring new investgiation in the possible future ,in the same book, about the savagery vs civilization, this topic is related in a great way about the loss of innocence since it is about the conflict beteween the impulses that exist in all human beings one of them the instinct to live in a peacefull way by following rules and the other being to act in a violent and animalistic way to survive and to gain supremacy over other people.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Technology Past and Present Essays -- essays papers
Technology Past and Present Abstract Computers are in most schools in the United States. Most states have addressed the need to adopt technology standards in curriculum. As the spotlight focuses on technology integration and academic achievement, school districts are focusing on staff development as an integral part of the technology integration process. The role of computers in the classroom has changed from a support tool for basic skills and content using tutorial and remediation practice to an integral part of the instructional process. More households now have computers and Internet access and most parents believe the computer is an important tool in a child’s education. The Internet provides a wealth of information, resources, and a network throughout the world that facilitates the exchange and communication of ideas not available in the traditional classroom. Research has shown that technology does play a major role in providing an environment for increased student motivation and achievement. Technology has a powerful and positive impact on instruction today especially when staff development and technology integration is an integral part of the process. Educators have clearly underutilized technology in the classroom but it should not be confused with the significance of the role of technology in the educational process. Technology in this research paper is defined as a computer and online resources. The thrust of this paper is to explore some positive events that represent the role of technology in the educational process of children. In the article Past and Present Research Findings on Computers and Related Technology in Education, Fouts (2001) concludes that researchers have used different approaches ... ... (2001). Research on computers and education: past, present and future. Teacher Leadership Seminars, 1-27. Grunwald Associates and C&R Research,. (2003). Connected to the future: A report on children's internet use from the corporation for public broadcasting. Retrieved June 16 2003, from Honey, M. (1999). Perspectives on Technology and Education Research: Lessons From the Past and Present. Retrieved November 25 2003, from Kay, A. (2003). How children will finally invent personal computing. Paper presented at the National Educational Computing Conference, Seattle, WA. Stratford, S.J. (1997) A review of computer-based model research in precollege science classrooms. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 16(1), 3-23.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ancient Views of the Concept of Marriage and the Family Essay
There are several aspects that constitute social life. These aspects include family, religion, leisure, sexuality, intellectual and creativity. The aforementioned aspects are evident in the ancient literature. However, both the Western and the Eastern had different views regarding these social aspects. The paper discusses Western and Eastern views of social life and responsibilities in ancient literature. To narrow down the research, marriage and the family were chosen. Both Western and the Eastern writers had different views regarding various issues surrounding marriage and the family. Ancient literature dates back A.D 476, and it underwent a series of transformations until the 16th century. During ancient times, many, philosophers and writers used various forms of writing to pass their messages. These forms included poetry, narration and even writing on stones. The recorded ancient from Greek, Egypt, Persia, Europe and some parts of Asia shows significant similarities and differences. To understand the matter introduced, we can consider views from the Greece and Persia, and compare them with views from Asia and Egypt. In these countries, a lot was written regarding social life and responsibilities. We shall also consider several works by different authors to support the arguments presented. Similarities Both the Western and Eastern literature talked about marriage and the family and the roles of the parties involved. A good example is Homer’s Novel, Iliad, which have several scenes of love and romance. One of its themes is military glory over family life. According to the novel, family is depicted as an important institution between two people. Homer constantly forces the characters in his writings to put the interests of their loved ones. From the novel, it is clear that a complete marriage can only be possible between a man and a woman. In addition, the novel suggests that women had a role to take care of their children while men went out for war. This was the case in Eastern parts of the world. Israel writers such as Jim West emphasized on the role of women in the family. He suggests that women were seen as custodians of their families. The two writings show similar characteristics regarding men’s responsibilities. The Iliad by Homer suggests that men had a responsi bility to protect their families from any form of attacks. A close examination of these ancient works portrays men as muscular persons who were supposed to protect the interests of the societies. Moreover, the ancient literatures by Euripides from Greece suggest that both man and a woman must complement one another. The same is shown by Emily Teeter, an Eastern ancient writer. In his novel, Ancient Egyptian and Family Life, Teeter points out that men and women are equal parties in the marriage. However, the novel suggests that ancient women from Egypt had a role to attend markets while men carried out hard jobs, which were suitable for the survival of the family (Minchin 22). Both Western and Eastern ancient literature values ethics in family matters. The following are various examples in support of this claim. Western ancient writers such as Plato and Aristotle came up with several ethical frameworks which were supposed to guide the members of the family. Marriage and the family were highly valued by these two great writers. According to Plato’s writings, family members were supposed to be guided by ethics of virtues. The writer came up with four virtues which are prudence, duty of care, love, justice and integrity. Moreover Eastern writers from Egypt and Israel valued ethics. A good example is The Pyramid Texts of Egypt, which talks about the journey of the soul to the eternity. The Pyramid is considered as literature because it has some moral lessons. They taught couples to practice ethics whenever they deal with each other. The literature suggests that a marriage is a journey that ought to have follow ethics (Pearson 234). Differences There are several differences between the Eastern and Western views of the marriage and the family as depicted in the ancient literature. The first one is the structure of the family. Eastern literature suggests that families in the East by 14th century were dominated by the husband. Women are depicted as subjects to men. According to a journal article, Ancient Israelite Marriage Customs by Jim West, men in ancient Israel were given more powers, which were dictated by the society. This is quite different Western view of the same issue. According to Homer’s novel, The Oddesy, women in the Western world during the ancient times were almost equal to men. Homer uses a number of women to show their roles in the society. A good example is where he uses examples of Circe and Calypso who never entertained exploitation from their male counterparts. However, Homer presents a way in which women’s status was lowered. In the novel, there are examples of women who only existed to sat isfy men’s sexual desires. According to this ancient work, this ruined the institution of marriage. From this we get a very crucial difference between the Western and Eastern view of the family. While Homer suggests that prostitution could happen freely in the Western world, this was highly discouraged in Eastern Literature. In fact, any woman who was found guilty of the offence was stoned to death. Most of the ancient Eastern writings make a lot of references to the Bible. A good example is presented in the journal article mentioned above. According to Eastern culture, it was wrong for a woman to make love with another man, apart from her husband. Surprisingly, men were allowed to do so. This shows that women presented in Eastern literature had little control of their life. Everything they did was already stipulated by the society (McDemont 67). Another key difference in the two views is the attitudes towards abortion. This was a critical issue in marriage and the family. The Eastern view suggests that couples married to procreate and fill the earth. As already mentioned an above, this was another reference of the Holy Bible. Israelites were among the communities that valued life and children. Ancient Greeks and Romans accepted abortion. They were not much concerned to protect unborn children. Early philosophers argued that it took 40 -80 days for a fetus to be formed. According to Aristotle, an Ancient philosopher, couples could practice abortion before sense of life had begun. He however believed that female embryos developed slowly than male ones. With regards to the subject of abortion, things were stickier in Eastern parts. Eastern culture did not allow abortion to take course in the society. The Eastern view regarding abortion was that anyone who caused miscarriage, he or she had to pay a fine to the husband of the wom an. The literature suggests that fetus was a property and it needed to be safeguarded by all means. This suggests that everyone in the Eastern society had a responsibility to support human life (Pepe 45). From the above analysis, it can be noted that both the Eastern and Western views on family had similarities and differences. Ancient Eastern writers seem to have been influenced greatly by the Bible in their writing. On the other hand, Western writers were critical on a given subject matter, and they often differed in opinions. References McDermott, M. H. Novel and Romance: The Odyssey to Tom Jones. Diss. The New University of Ulster, 1975. Minchin, Elizabeth. â€Å"Homer and the resources of memory: some applications of cognitive theory to the Iliad and the Odyssey.†(2001). Pepe, L. â€Å"Abortion in ancient Greece.†XIX Symposion of Greek and Hellenistic Law. 2013. Pearson, Lionel. Popular ethics in ancient Greece. Stanford University Press, 1962. Source document
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
War Dogs
Man’s Greatest Ally It is not a new idea to use dogs in combat; for thousands of years dogs have been used in war. Almost all of the greatest civilizations that have ruled have used dogs as key component in their military tactics. Historical records have shown that dogs were used as watch guards for the Egyptians during periods of war (specifically during the Middle Kingdom) and that the Romans made entire attack formations of dogs to help with their various land conquering campaigns. These dogs were bred for combat and were often given armor and spiked collars to make them more lethal in combat.In more recent years, dogs are used in other combat situations. In 1988, Israeli Special Forces used dogs as an attack force against a terrorist organization in Lebanon. In America, dogs have been used in combat for well over 180 years. Though the canine’s military missions and methods have changed since that 1830’s, their importance in combat remains just as critical. Ho wever, the public in general does not realize the significance of dogs in warfare as well as in homeland security. In America, the first recorded use of dogs by the military was during the Second Seminole War in 1835.The military had hired five dog handlers and 33 bloodhounds to help track and detain the Seminoles and runaway slaves that were hiding in the swamps of Florida and Louisiana. Several states (New Jersey, Philadelphia, and Indiana) protested the use of dogs by the military and sent several petitions to Congress. Most of these protesters were Quakers that believed it was wrong to make these dogs hunt like savages. Though many petitions were sent, Congress dismissed all of the protests and allowed the military to use the dogs in combat. Dogs were not used by the military for another 20 years.During the Civil War both the Union and the Confederate Armies recorded the use of dogs a mascots, sentries, and guards. Interestingly, the dogs were not supposed to assume these roles, originally their masters brought them into the military as a source of companionship, not protection. One of the most recognizable dogs during the Civil War was Sallie, a brindle bull terrier. Sallie joined the 11th Pennsylvania Infantry Unit at the beginning of the war as a pup and served the unit as source comfort, inspiration, and loyalty to their cause.In the heat of battle Sallie would bark and intimidate Confederate soldiers and lick the wounds of her fallen comrades. Sallie survived such battles as Gettysburg and Oak Ridge. Sallie met her untimely death at Hatcher’s Run, Virginia by a bullet to the head. Her unit cared about her so much that they buried her immediately, even though the battle was still raging on. There were several other dog mascots in the Civil War, though none matched the popularity of Sallie. The use of dogs changed during the Spanish-American War from a relatively docile role to a more militarily useful function.It was recorded by Teddy Roosevelt and his â€Å"Rough Riders†, that dogs were scouts that helped navigate the dense jungle terrain in Cuba and patrols for the horses. This is also the first time in American military history that the dogs used were actually trained in navigation and protection tactics. Dogs were again used as mascots during the Spanish-American War for the military. In an old photograph, taken in 1900, the USS Texas (a vessel used during the war) depicted fellow crewman with their mascots–a cat and a dog (both unnamed).The role of the dog expanded even more during the Great War. During this time period a vast amount of dogs were employed as: sentries, messengers, ammunition & food carriers, scouts, sled dogs, draught dogs (water carriers), guard dogs, Red Cross casualty dogs (carrying med packs), and even cigarette dogs. The German armies had a total of 30,000 dogs in service during the war, France had over 20,000, and Italy supplied the Allies with 3,000 dogs. Americans did not have an y organized dog units and ended up borrowing several dog units from France and Britain during the war.There were over ten different breeds of dogs that were used during WWI; each breed was used for different tasks. The most popular group of dogs was the Red Cross Causality dogs (A. K. A. mercy dogs). These dogs were first trained by the Germans to carry medical supplies and seek out wounded soldiers. If a soldier was clearly dying the mercy dog would lie down next to him and provide the soldier comfort as he died. These dogs have been credited to saving a numerous amount of lives during the war by being able to reach wounded soldiers with med packs at lightning speeds.The Red Cross dog method was quickly copied by the Ally troops. During the war both the Allies and the Germans began searching for the perfect breed of dog (specifically the best Red Cross dogs). They wanted a dog that was black or gray in color, one with a good sense of smell and sight, and medium in build. The people working on this project also realized that mixed breeds performed better than purebred dogs and began to focus on crossbreeding. The use of Red Cross dogs died along with the use of trench warfare.Messenger dogs were major contributors to the war effort on both sides of the conflict. These dogs were trained to send messages between the front lines and command headquarters when the phone lines were down. The messenger dogs have often been attributed for circuitously saving the lives of many soldiers by providing vital information to them when their main source of communication (phones) was shut down. By WWII, Germany again had the largest number of dogs used in combat (an estimated over 200,000 dogs).This time however, America had finally established a military program called the K-9 Corp in 1942. After the Pearl Harbor attack and the declaration of war by America’s government, the American Kennel Club began a program called â€Å"Dogs for Defense†. This program reques ted all dog owners in America to donate quality dogs to the Quartermaster Corps for the K-9 program. The â€Å"Dogs for Defense†program was able to receive over 19,000 dogs and over thirty different breeds of dog. When these dogs entered the canine program 45% of them were sent back and considered unfit for military training.The breed of dogs chosen after this period was shrunk down to five (Dobermans, German Shepherds, Belgium Sheep Dogs, Farm Collies, and Giant Schnauzers). Originally these dogs were to be used mainly to protect civilian war plants (arsenal factories) however, there became a growing need for sentry dogs for the soldiers overseas. Basic training for a dog would last eight to twelve weeks and they would be trained to wear gas masks, muzzles, ride vehicles, and remain calm under gunfire. The dogs were also trained in basic commands (sit, roll over, stay, etc. ).After basic training, the dogs were then instructed in one of four specialized jobs: sentry, patrol , messenger, and mine detection. The only new job for dogs was mine detection, which consisted of detecting booby traps, trip wires, metallic and non-metallic mines. This program was not largely successful because the dogs had a hard time detecting these traps in combat. Alene Erlanger, a civilian consultant of the Quartermaster General, wrote a report on the misconceptions of the use of dogs in the military. She stated the public considered military dogs to be vicious killers and this view was completely false.Erlanger described the dogs as protectors of soldiers through their different combat roles such as delivering messages under fire and detecting enemy positions. Erlanger urged the readers change their skewed view of military dogs and acknowledge these heroes for their role in saving thousands of American lives in combat. When the war was over, all the donated dogs were were returned to their original owners; however, before being returned the dogs were trained to readjust to a civilian lifestyle. Sadly, some of these dogs (suffering from doggy PTSD) were unable to assimilate back in with society and were put down.After WWII the US lost interest in the War Dog programs, they closed most of all but one program, transferred dog training to the Military Police Corp, and moved the remaining 26th Scout Dog Program to Fort Carson, Colorado. The 26th platoon served in the Korean War for two years (1951 – 1953) and was very successful, receiving three silver stars, six bronze stars for valor, and thirty-six bronze stars for meritorious service. After being in Fort Carson for six years the 26th Scout Dog Platoon, along with the War Dog Training Center was moved to Fort Benning, Georgia.Another change that occurred was that the Air Force became the primary service to use the dogs. During the late fifties and early sixties, the Air Force developed expensive aircrafts and housed state-of-the-art weaponry, thus increasing the requirement for more sentry dogs t o protect these valuable assets. Consequently, the Air Force established another War Dog Training Center in Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. At the commencement of the Vietnam War, dogs were not immediately placed in the combat zone. However, by 1960, the United States Air Force K-9 Corp stationed teams in Vietnam primarily for dog sentry research.It wasn’t until 1965 when the military finally allowed dogs to participate in the war; by the end of the year 100 dogs were in Vietnam. The combat role of these dogs differed from the canine missions in WWII and the Korean War. These dogs were trained to track Viet-Cong trails and to detect the hidden booby traps placed in the jungles. Again the majority of dogs were sentry dogs, however, with the primary mission to detect the deadly sapper teams that attacked base camps at night. The military dogs were largely successful and in an article written during the Vietnam War they were described as â€Å"our enemies worst enemy†.Thi s article, written by SP4 Wain Rubenstein, described the rigorous training the sentry dog underwent to prepare for Vietnam. He detailed the working conditions of the dogs, the long night hours they remained alert to protect the base from any intruders, and the critical need for their acute olfactory senses to detect the faintest odor of a near by trap or Viet-Cong. Rubenstein also acknowledged the handlers (the dog’s master) needed to be as proficient as the dogs, in terms of physically fitness, mentally capacity, and their ability to establish a bond with the dog.Without these qualities the dog would not live up to its full potential. By the end of the Vietnam War, 4000 American dogs were sent to Vietnam and they were accredited with saving over 10,000 lives in the process of 10 years. Unfortunately, of those 4000 dogs, only 200 returned home. In an article written by CNN, the surviving handlers of the Vietnam War discussed their memories of the war and their dogs. All expre ssed sorrow for the dogs they left buried in the Vietnam soil. The article clearly demonstrated the handler’s strong emotional bond with their respective dogs, a connection that they still remember almost a half century later.After the Vietnam War the role of dogs in the military was reduced to a division of the military police unit. In 1967 the military established the Air Force Security Police Dog Training School which was school that trained dogs to work security with officers. The school, which still stands today, trains dogs to remain clam when approached by unfamiliar people, to discriminate between a threatening gesture and an accepting gesture; to remain alert; to willingly enter vehicles with other people and dogs without becoming hostile; and to be obedient both with or without a leash.The dogs are trained to enter empty buildings to search for hidden intruders and to examine areas to find lost or concealed objects. The dogs are taught to aggressively attack an enem y with a simple command of the handler and just as quickly stop when commanded by the handler. I personally witnessed this training when interviewing a dog handler on Peterson Air Force K-9 Unit; Ssgt. Chris Kench demonstrated a routine training scenario with his dog Gina. The exercises commenced with a simple work out course that incorporated running, jumping, climbing, and crawling for a total of fifteen minutes.Next, Ssgt Kench demonstrated the four commands with Gina. The first command was to attack a person (in this case a person in a protective suit) that is running away from the handler, the next command was when the handler instructed the dog to stop her attack, and the third command was when the handler commanded the dog to attack, but then commanded the dog to heel before actually touching the suspect. The last command isn’t really a command, but an instinct, which was when the handler was attacked, the dog attacked the enemy without consent from his handler.Upon fu rther discussion with Ssgt. Kench I discovered that Peterson Air Force Base has the second largest K-9 unit with seventeen dogs. The only post that exceeds this number is Andrews AFB, MD, which is the post that provides security dogs for the president. Ssgt. Kench also stated that the breed of dogs currently used in the Air Force have shrunk to two (the German Shepard and the Belgium Malinois). Both of these were chosen because of their quick maneuverability and their exceptional detection skills.Ssgt Kench went on to say that these dogs only last nine to twelve years before retiring due to old age, hip displacement, and disease. When the dogs retire they are often adopted by their last handlers and spend the reminder of their lives as civilians. Dogs have been an invaluable resource to the US military for well over 180 years. Whether as messengers, patrollers, or just as simple mascots, they have provided America with a sense of comfort and protection. Many of these dogs have direc tly contributed to saving thousands of lives and they deserve recognition for work they have done.Military dogs have been in almost every war that America has participated in and their roles and missions have continued to evolve with each conflict. Yet throughout history they have continually received little if any acknowledgment by the public for their efforts and were almost eradicated after the Korean War. It is important that we as a country recognize these small heroes for their critical role in the history of our country and appreciate that they are mans greatest ally. Mans Greatest Ally: Dog Contributions the US Military Victor Jacoby APUSH Per. Mr. Zuckerman March 3, 2012 â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Newton, Tom. â€Å"K-9 History: The Dogs Of War!. †WebTV community home pages. http://community-2. webtv. net/Hahn-50thAP-K9/K9History/ (accessed February 29, 2012). [ 2 ]. Newton, Tom. â€Å"K-9 History: The Dogs Of War!. †[ 3 ]. Newton, Tom. â€Å"K-9 History: The Dogs Of War! [ 4 ]. State of New York. â€Å"Sallie. †The State of New York and the Civil War. http://www. nycivilwar. us/sallie. html (accessed February 27, 2012). [ 5 ]. Newton, Tom. â€Å"K-9 History: The Dogs Of War! [ 6 ].Robinson , Donald. USS Texas (1895-1911). 1900. Navy Historical Center, USS Texas. Department of Navy – Navy Historical Center. Web. 3 Mar. 2012. [ 7 ]. Newton, Tom. â€Å"K-9 History: The Dogs Of War! [ 8 ]. Hubble, Bert. â€Å"K-9 History: War Dogs In The U. S. Military. †47th Scout Dog Platoon Web Site. http://www. 47ipsd. us/47k9hist. htm (accessed March 4, 2012). [ 9 ]. â€Å"Red Cross Dogs. †The Literary Digest, March 24, 1917. [ 10 ]. Newton, Tom. â€Å"K-9 History: The Dogs Of War! [ 11 ]. US Army Quartermaster Foundation. â€Å"War Dogs. †Army Quartermaster Foundation, Inc.. ttp://www. qmfound. com/K-9. htm (accessed March 2, 2012). [ 12 ]. US Army Quartermaster Foundation. â€Å"War Dogs. †[ 13 ]. Erlanger, Alene. â€Å"The Truth About War Dogs. †The Quartermaster Review, March 1944. [ 14 ]. US Army Quartermaster Foundation. â€Å"War Dogs. †[ 15 ]. Newton, Tom. â€Å"K-9 History: The Dogs Of War! [ 16 ]. Hubble, Bert. â€Å"K-9 History: War Dogs In The U. S. Military. †[ 17 ]. Newton, Tom. â€Å"K-9 History: The Dogs Of War! [ 18 ]. Rubenstein, Wain. â€Å"Scout Dogs: Enemie's Worst Enemy. †Danger Forward, The Magazine of the Big Red One, June 1969. 19 ]. Rubenstein, Wain. â€Å"Scout Dogs: Enemie's Worst Enemy. †[ 20 ]. Ravitz, Jessica. â€Å"War dogs remembered, decades later – Page 3 – CNN. †Featured Articles from CNN. http://articles. cnn. com/2010-02-12/living/war. dogs_1_dogs-lab-and-shepherd-mix-viet-cong/3? _s=PM:LIVING (accessed February 24, 2012). [ 21 ]. Newton, Tom. â€Å"K-9 History: The Dogs Of War ! [ 22 ]. Kench, Chris. Interview by author. Personal interview. Peterson Air Force Base K-9 Unit, February 26, 2012. [ 23 ]. Kench, Chris. Interview by author. Personal interview.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Understanding Passive Vocabulary
Understanding Passive Vocabulary A passive vocabulary is made up of the words that an individual recognizes but rarely uses when speaking and writing. Also known as recognition vocabulary. Contrast with active vocabulary. According to John Reynolds and Patricia Acres, Your passive vocabulary is likely to contain more words than the active one. One way to improve the range of the vocabulary in your own writing is to try to transfer words from your passive to the active vocabulary (Cambridge Checkpoint English Revision Guide, 2013). Examples and Observations A passive vocabulary . . . includes the words stored in verbal memory that people partially understand, but not well enough for active use. These are words that people meet less often and they may be low frequency words in the language as a whole. In other words, activating them takes longer and it demands greater stimulus than most textual contexts provide. Words stop being passive if people are regularly contracting relations that activate them, since this lowers the amount of stimulus needed to put them to use. A facility in using the words develops. Again constraints of another kind in the extralinguistic context may also restrict the active use of some words. This can happen even when words are available for active use in principle, such as cultural taboo words that most people know but rarely use outside certain settings.(David Corson, Using English Words. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995)Media saturation may . . . provide what Dennis Baron called a passive lingua franca. We al l understand what we hear on the radio or see on TV, giving us a passive vocabulary, but that doesnt mean that we use that vocabulary actively in writing or speaking.(Robert MacNeil et al., Do You Speak American? Random House, 2005) How to Estimate the Size of Your VocabularyTake your dictionary and peruse 1 per cent of its pages, i.e. 20 pages of a 2,000-page dictionary, or every hundreth page (you need to take a range of letters of the alphabet). Note down how many words: (a) you are confident that you would regularly use; (b) you would recognize and understand if you read or heard them. Be brutally honest with yourself! Then multiply your totals by 100, to give a first approximation of your likely active and passive vocabularies.(Howard Jackson, Grammar and Vocabulary: A Resource Book for Students. Routledge, 2002)A Passive-Active Continuum[A] commonly drawn distinction is between active vocabulary, that which can be produced at will, and passive vocabulary, that which can be recognized. However, as discussed in Teichroew (1982), the picture is really more complicated. Lexical knowledge cannot be captured by means of a simple dichotomy. Teichroew proposed that vocabulary knowledge can best be repr esented as a continuum with the initial stage being recognition and the final being production. In her view, production should not be viewed in a monolithic fashion, for productive knowledge includes producing both a range of meanings as well as appropriate collocations (i.e., what words go together). For example, in our discussion of the word break with regard to the work of Kellerman . . ., we noted the many meanings of that word. Initially, learners may know the meaning of break as in break a leg or break a pencil, and only with time do they learn the full range of meanings and such collocations as His voice broke at age 13.(Susan M. Gass and Larry Selinker, Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course, 2nd ed. Lawrence Erlbaum, 2001)
Monday, October 21, 2019
Definition and Examples of Constructed Languages
Definition and Examples of Constructed Languages Definition A constructed language is a languagesuch as Esperanto, Klingon, and Dothrakithat has been consciously created by an individual or group. A person who creates a language is known as a conlanger. The term constructed language was coined by linguist Otto Jespersen in An International Language, 1928. Also known as a conlang, planned language, glossopoeia, artificial language, auxiliary language, and ideal language. The grammar, phonology, and vocabulary of a constructed (or planned) language may be derived from one or more natural languages or created from scratch. In terms of the number of speakers of a constructed language, the most successful is Esperanto, created in the late-19th century by Polish ophthalmologist L. L. Zamenhof. According to the Guinness Book of World Records (2006), the worlds largest fictional language is Klingon (the constructed language spoken by the Klingons in the Star Trek movies, books, and television programs). See Examples and Observations below. Also see: Anti-LanguageBasic EnglishLingua FrancaWhat Is Language?Where Does Language Come From? Examples and Observations A standard international language should not only be simple, regular, and logical, but also rich and creative. Richness is a difficult and subjective concept. . . . The supposed inferiority of a constructed language to a national one on the score of richness of connotation is, of course, no criticism of the idea of a constructed language. All that the criticism means is that the constructed language has not been in long-continued use.(Edward Sapir, The Function of an International Auxiliary Language. Psyche, 1931)The traditional hypothesis has been that because a constructed language is the language of no nation or ethnic group, it would be free of the political problems that all natural languages bring with them. Esperanto materials frequently claim (incorrectly) that this is true of Esperanto. A distinction is usually made between auxiliary languages (auxlangs), designed with international communication as a deliberate goal, and conlangs, usually constructed for other purposes. (Th e Elvish languages showcased by Tolkein in his epic Lord of the Rings and the Klingon language constructed by linguist Mark Okrand for the Star Trek television series are conlangs rather than auxlangs.)(Suzette Haden Elgin, The Language Imperative. Basic Books, 2000) Attitudes Toward Esperanto- As of 2004, the number of speakers of Esperanto is unknown, but variously estimated as between one or two hundred thousand and several million. . . .It  must be emphasized that Esperanto is a real language, both spoken and written, successfully used as a means of communication between people who have no other common language. . . .The traditional aim of the Esperanto movement is the adoption of Esperanto as the L2 [second language] for all mankind.(J.C. Wells, Esperanto. Concise Encyclopedia of Languages of the World, ed. by Keith Brown and Sarah Ogilvie. Elsevier, 2009)- There is little doubt that, foremost among constructed languages though it is, Esperanto has notparticularly in recent timescaptured a sufficient amount of general attention to become the functioning worldwide auxiliary its proponents wish. One rough distinction seems to be between those who, while not necessarily wholly unsympathetic to the idea of constructed languages, neverthel ess perceive fatal flaws, and those who see Esperantists (and other constructed-language apologists) more or less as cranks and faddists.(John Edwards and Lynn MacPherson, View of Constructed Languages, With Special Reference to Esperanto: An Experimental Study. Esperanto, Interlinguistics, and Planned Language, ed. by Humphrey Tonkin. University Press of America, 1997) The Klingon Language- Klingon is a constructed language tied to a fictional context, rather than a constructed language like Esperanto . . . or a reconstructed one like Modern Hebrew . . . intended for use among speakers in everyday circumstances. . . .Klingon is a language devised for the Klingons, a fictional race of humanoids sometimes allied with but more often in conflict with members of the United Federation of Planets in Star Trek movies, television programmes, video games, and novels.(Michael Adams, From Elvish to Klingon: Exploring Invented Languages. Oxford University Press, 2011)- [T]he first thing to say about the Klingon language is that it is a language. It has nouns and verbs, the nouns distributed syntactically as subjects and objects. Its particular distribution of constituents is extremely rare but not unheard of on Earth.(David Samuels, Alien Tongues. E.T. Culture: Anthropology in Outerspaces, ed. by Debbora Battaglia. Duke University Press, 2 005) The Dothraki Language Created for HBO’s Game Of ThronesMy goal, from the very beginning, was to create a language that looked and felt like the small number of snippets present in the books. There wasn’t much to work with (about 30 words, most of them namesand male names, at that), but there was enough to suggest the beginnings of a grammar (for example, there is strong evidence of noun-adjective order, as opposed to the adjective-noun order found in English). . . .After I settled on a sound system, I extrapolated a morphological system. Some elements had to be maintained (for example, in the books, we see dothraki for the people [plural], Vaes Dothrak for the Dothraki city, and dothrae meaning rides. This suggests that /-k/, /-i/ and /-e/ are somehow involved in the paradigm for the stem dothra-), but for the most part, I was free to run wild. After I had a fairly stable morphology (verbal paradigm, case paradigm, and derivational morphology, in particular), I se t to work on the best part: creating vocabulary.(David J. Peterson, interviewed by Dave Banks in Creating Language for HBO’s Game Of Thrones. GeekDad blog at, Aug. 25, 2010) The Lighter Side of Constructed LanguagesI speak Esperanto like a native.(Spike Milligan)
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Countries Using the Euro as Their Currency
Countries Using the Euro as Their Currency On January 1, 1999, one of the largest steps toward European unification took place with the introduction of the euro as the official currency in 12 countries (Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain). The establishment of a common currency had the aims of greater economic integration and the unification of Europe as a common market. It also would enable easier transactions between people of different countries by having fewer conversions from currency to currency. Creating the euro was also seen as a way to keep the peace due to the economic integration of the countries. Key Takeaways: The Euro The goal of the establishment of the Euro was to make European commerce easier and more integrated.The currency debuted in 2002 in a dozen countries. More have since signed on, and additional countries plan to.The euro and the dollar are key to global markets. At first, the euro was used in trades between banks and tracked alongside the countries currencies. Banknotes and coins came out a few years later for the public to use in everyday transactions. Residents of the first European Union countries that adopted the euro began using the banknotes and coins on January 1, 2002. People had to use up all their cash in the countries old paper money and coinage before mid-year that year, when they would no longer be accepted in monetary transactions and the euro would be used exclusively. The Euro: â‚ ¬ The symbol for the euro is a rounded E with one or two cross lines: â‚ ¬. Euros are divided into euro cents, each euro cent consisting of one one-hundredth of a euro. Euro Countries The euro is one of the worlds most powerful currencies, used by more than 175 million Europeans in 19 of 28 EU member countries, as well as some countries that are not formally members of the EU. Countries currently using the euro: Andorra (not an EU member)AustriaBelgiumCyprusEstoniaFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceIrelandItalyKosovo (not all countries recognize Kosovo as an independent nation)LatviaLithuaniaLuxembourgMaltaMonaco (not in the EU)Montenegro (not in the EU)The NetherlandsPortugalSan Marino (not in the EU)SlovakiaSloveniaSpainVatican City (not in the EU) Territories that use the euro: Akrotiri and Dhekelia (British territory)French Southern and Antarctic LandsSaint Bathelemy (overseas collectivity of France)Saint Martin (overseas collectivity of France)Saint Pierre and Miquelon (overseas collectivity of France) Countries that do not use the euro, but are part of the Single Euro Payments Area, which allows simplified bank transfers: BulgariaCroatiaCzech RepublicDenmarkHungaryIcelandLiechtensteinNorwayPolandRomaniaSwedenSwitzerlandUnited Kingdom Recent and Future Euro Countries On January 1, 2009, Slovakia started using the euro, and Estonia began using it on January 1, 2011. Latvia joined in on January 1, 2014, and Lithuania began using the euro January 1, 2015. EU members the United Kingdom, Denmark, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, and Sweden dont use the euro as of 2019. New EU member countries are working toward becoming part of the eurozone. Romania planned to start using the currency in 2022, and Croatia planned to adopt it in 2024. Countries economies are evaluated every two years to see if theyre strong enough to adopt the euro, using figures such as interest rates, inflation, exchange rates, gross domestic product, and government debt. The EU takes these measures of economic stability to evaluate whether a new eurozone country would be less likely to need a fiscal stimulus or bailout after joining. The financial crisis in 2008 and its fallout, such as the controversy of whether Greece should be bailed out or leave the eurozone, put some strain on the EU. Why Some Countries Dont Use It Great Britain and Denmark are the two countries that, as part of the EU, opted out of adopting the currency. Great Britain even voted to leave the European Union in the Brexit vote in 2016, so as of 2019, the currency issue looked to be a moot point. The pound sterling is a major currency in the world, so leaders didnt see the need to adopt anything else at the time the euro was created. Countries that dont use the euro maintain the independence of their economies, such as the ability to set their own interest rates and other monetary policies; the flip side is that they must manage their own financial crises and cant go to the European Central Bank for assistance. However, not having an economy interdependent with those of other countries might make some sense. The countries that opted-out of the euro could be more nimble in dealing with a widespread crisis that affects countries differently, such in the case of Greece in 2007–2008. It took years for bailouts of Greece to be decided upon, for example, and Greece couldnt set its own policies or take its own measures. A hot-button issue at the time was whether bankrupt Greece was going to stay in the eurozone or bring back its currency. Denmark doesnt use the euro but has its currency, the krone, tied to the euro to maintain the countrys economic stability and predictability and to avoid major fluctuations and market speculation on its currency. It is pegged within a 2.25 percent range of 7.46038 kroner to the euro. Before the creation of the euro, the krone was pegged to the German Deutsche mark. Euro vs. Dollar The dollar has historically been used as a common currency internationally, just like English has been a common language between people of different countries. Foreign countries and investors see U.S. Treasury bonds as safe places to put their money because of a stable government behind the dollar; some countries even hold their financial reserves in dollars. The currency also has size and liquidity, which are needed to be a major world player. When the euro was first established, the exchange rate was set based on the European Currency Unit, which was based on a collection of European currencies. It generally runs a little higher than the dollar. Its historical low was 0.8225 (October 2000), and its historical high was 1.6037, reached in July 2008 during the subprime mortgage crisis and the failure of the Lehman Brothers financial services company. Professor Steve Hanke, writing in Forbes in 2018, postulated that setting an exchange rate zone of stability formally between the euro and dollar would keep the entire global market stable because of the prolonged recession that happened worldwide following the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Essay 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 8
2 - Essay Example supervisors are the individuals that control the workforce and functions of the organization through effective control, decision making and problem solving activities. Management of workers includes several responsibilities like conflict management within workers and sometimes with management. The supervisors have to think calmly and act positively always so that the organization’s operations always remain effective and the organization remains in the continuous improvement mode. The manager, if works tactfully can implement continuous learning as part of the organizational culture. Organizations at times need to undergo change and implementing change in organizations is a complex task. Pursuing employees towards organizational change can be achieved successfully if supervisors use their skills and abilities that come from their personal development. The procedural skills are also very important for managers and supervisors to implement so that they can financially manage the expenses, costs and revenues and can estimate the financial needs of organization along with ability to appraise the performance of each worker which is one of key responsibilities of supervisors. The learning and development program should include all elements that cover the above said responsibilities of managers. With the span of time each organization has to implement the change process and needs to upgrade systems, policies, working facilities and procedures so that organizations can compete in the market and we need to trained employees to be flexible towards change. Employees should be willing to improve their skills and adapt to organizational and development changes (Armstrong, 2008). Conflicts are part of daily routine, issues in corporate and modern business world cannot be avoided from organizations entirely but effective management of conflicts can resolve problems occurred and minimize the damage that could possibly occur. The employees and supervisors should be trained to
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Globalization of Religion in Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
The Globalization of Religion in Japan - Essay Example If the same criterion is applied to globalization we will realize that it has both been a blessing and a curse. It is up to the specific economy and the country to determine what route it wants to take with regard to globalization. Most importantly, however, one should keep in mind that it isn’t entirely in our hands whether we want globalization to occur in our part of the world. With the advent of new information technologies and the internet there is hardly any part in the world that has been left unaffected by globalization. We cannot essentially cage ourselves or lock our people and our economy within four walls, like Japan earlier did. That time has come and gone. Just the way the Japanese realized the merits of globalization and the good that it can reap for not only its economy, but also its social and political stature on the international front, other countries that are as yet hesitant in the face of growing globalization could do well to learn from this example. It won’t do anyone much good to sit around trying to determine what could have been and what has happened. Instead of looking back nostalgically at the past we should look forward to what situations are facing us and try to combat them in the best manner possible. No one can achieve a semblance of greatness without working for it; same holds true for individuals and nations. Globalization’s importance can furthermore be judged by taking into account the way many other countries have been able to benefit from. If we’re just focusing on Japan, it won’t be false to say that since Japan’s welcome of globalization within its region the nation’s prestige has been on the rise.
Create a crisis action plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Create a crisis action plan - Coursework Example It is also important for the management to attempt to create goodwill in the company so that it can have a good image in the eyes of the (Flippo, 1961). There are different steps that can be taken when resolving conflicts in an organization. According to Armstrong (1994), there are mainly four stages that are involved in conflict resolution which involve the following: carry out research about the root cause of the conflict, design an action plan, implement the plan and finally evaluate the effectiveness of the crisis action plan. Some claims of sexual harassment that are reported in the organization are baseless hence the need to conduct some investigations to establish if the case has actually happened. In the event that sexual harassment claims are real, a proper course of action will be required in order to rectify the issue so that the parties involved can work together in harmony again. The action plan ought to involve the parties involved in the case of sexual harassment. This action plan should not only be limited to the people who are directly involved in the case but should be a leading example to the would be offenders in the future. The people involved should be brought to the drawing table where their case is openly discussed. The views of both parties are taken into consideration and a solution that is satisfactory to both parties is found. For the sake of progress and unity in the organization, reconciliation is the way forward when the offender and the victim have understood each other and hav e agreed to forgive each other. Thus, in the case highlighted above, the action plan involves the parties involved burying the hatchet and working together in unity. However, this course of action ought to be implemented by a responsible person like a leader in the organization. In order to implement this course of action, the leader should make sure that the people involved do not revert to the issue again but they should just focus on
Consumer law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Consumer law - Essay Example (1) If the debtor under a debtor-creditor-supplier agreement falling within section 12(b) or (c) has, in relation to a transaction financed by the agreement, any claim against the supplier in respect of a misrepresentation or breach of contract, he shall have a like claim against the creditor who with the supplier, shall accordingly be jointly and severally liable to the debtor. (2) Subject to any agreement between them, the creditor shall be entitled to be indemnified by the supplier for loss suffered by the creditor in satisfying his liability under sub-section (1), including costs reasonably incurred by him in defending proceedings instituted by the debtor. (2) Civil effect. Any provision of a credit contract that imposes a monetary liability prohibited by subsection (1) is void to the extent that it does so. If an amount that is prohibited by subsection (1) is paid, it may be recovered. A credit provider must not (a) Enter into a credit contract on terms imposing a monetary liability prohibited by section 21(1); or (b) Require or accept payment of an amount in respect of a monetary liability that cannot be imposed consistently with this Code. (1) The Court, on application by the debtor or mortgagor, may order a credit provider to credit the debtor or mortgagor with a payment, fixed by the Court, exceeding the net proceeds of sale if it is not satisfied that the credit provider sold the goods as soon as reasonably practicable (or at such other time as the credit provider and debtor or mortgagor agreed) for the best price reasonably obtainable. (2) On application by the debtor or mortgagor, the mortgagee under any prior mortgage to which the goods are subject or the mortgagee under any subsequent mortgage of which the credit provider has notice, the Court, if not satisfied that the credit provider complied with section 78, may make an order requiring the credit provider to compensate the debtor or mortgagor or the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
MKTG Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
MKTG - Essay Example Though humorous, the ad depicts an overweight father who tends to his crying baby, only to find that the baby confuses its father’s chest with its mother’s. The ad contains a strong message however; the execution has been done through a wrong mode which may be demeaning for the target audience. An ethical way would have been to show a person facing health problems or social problems because of being overweight. This is because the ad awkwardly defies the society’s natural gender roles and a lot of overweight individuals may find the ad offensive as well. The customers who are overweight would feel bad about themselves and even the brand will have a tendency to create negative associations as the target audience will not respond positively when they are being made fun of. Bibliography Maecat. â€Å"4 Banned Commercials†. 6 March, 2007. Web. 2 May 2011.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Management and the Global Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Management and the Global Economy - Essay Example Such companies are Ericsson, Honda and Chiquita among others. This paper looks into the above companies and offers light in respect to their strategies that have seen them conquer their respective lines of operation. Significance of Technology/ Ethics/ Culture in International Business Management Facebook is a widely used social site which attracts people who are mostly between 18-30 years. Its strengths include the wide fan base that currently stands at slightly over 600 million. It is partly owned by Mark Zuckerberg and Microsoft which bought minority shares worth $240 million in 2007. The company has reformed over time by upgrading its site to suit the changing customer needs as well as to outwit competitors. Fans are able to post and share videos and photos with their friends, send messages, chat online among other unique and new features. It has however been criticized for not regularly updating the fan page. According to Latham (2011) Facebook should take advantage of the onlin e advertisement boom to increase on revenue base and popularity. The company has also faced many legal battles and political interference for example the recent case where classmates of the founder wanted to be cashing more from the company claiming to have co-founded the company. Football or soccer has a peculiar popularity which is part of culture in Europe and United Kingdom to be precise. Manchester United is one club that has a wide following not only in UK but in the whole world. The club has a fan base that comprises of five percent of the global population. Manchester United Plc. has taken advantage of this by expanding its revenues sources to Asia, Africa and Latin America through sales of club’s merchandise like jerseys and magazines as stated by ESPN. The club is currently owned by the Grazer family from United States which controls seventy percent stake. The club’s financial status has not been appealing due to high expenses and less-than-matching revenues. The company takes advantage of their website to sell merchandise. Its Grazer takeover wrangles have attracted attention for a long time coupled with poor financial performance and massive debt. The strong brand name and its multinational approach are its important strengths. Although competition is intense from arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool, Manchester has many opportunities to capture a wider market and fan base. Operating within ethical standards by companies draws mixed reactions as this is more of a subjective issue. That which one party may regard as ethical is totally the opposite for another. This is well illustrated by Chiquita Brands Int. where at some point it has been involved in both ethical and unethical practices. Examples of ethical practices include building schools and health facilities for its workers and their families. It also returned land to Central Americans and later funded relief efforts after the 1972 earthquake. Unethical ones include being involved in c orruption with the Costa Rica’s government, assisting CIA to topple Guatemala government, helped in the attack of Cuba in early 1960s and many others as stated in Chiquita Brands Int. Case Study. The company has had a huge influence on the political landscape in South America which has ultimately affected its image negatively acting as its weakness. It has also been good in breaking laws
MKTG Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
MKTG - Essay Example Though humorous, the ad depicts an overweight father who tends to his crying baby, only to find that the baby confuses its father’s chest with its mother’s. The ad contains a strong message however; the execution has been done through a wrong mode which may be demeaning for the target audience. An ethical way would have been to show a person facing health problems or social problems because of being overweight. This is because the ad awkwardly defies the society’s natural gender roles and a lot of overweight individuals may find the ad offensive as well. The customers who are overweight would feel bad about themselves and even the brand will have a tendency to create negative associations as the target audience will not respond positively when they are being made fun of. Bibliography Maecat. â€Å"4 Banned Commercials†. 6 March, 2007. Web. 2 May 2011.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Porter’s 5 Forces Essay Example for Free
Porter’s 5 Forces Essay The fast food industry is one which affects many lives in Canada. The following is a Porter’s 5 Force’s analysis that will determine how attractive this industry is as a whole. To determine the threat of new entrants, one must first consider the barriers to entry. Firstly, the start-up costs associated with the fast food industry are relatively minute. This acts as a low barrier to entry. In this industry, the top four companies account for 37.4% of the total revenue. Although that is not a percentage of mind-changing significance, a business entering this industry must be able to uniquely establish itself with product differentiation. That being said, it is believed that the industry concentration is relatively low. Accordingly, high barriers to entry arise from government regulations, specifically including health and food service as well as occupational health and safety issues, along with a high amounts of competition within the fast food industry. Overall, the barriers to entry can be determined as low resulting in a high threat of new entrants. Next is establishing the power of the buyer. The fast food industry has been impacted by the decreasing demand for fried food and subsequently the increase for healthy options. This change in consumer trends along with a high variety of fast food places to choose from assume high power of the buyer. Secondly, it has been determined that the products sold in the fast food industry are luxury goods goods that are purchased more-so when economic times are â€Å"good†. In turn, when economic times are â€Å"rough,†consumers will choose to eat less fast food and more home cooking. Overall, the power of the buyer within the fast food industry is high. Thirdly, the threat of substitutes must be determined. Substitutes for the fast food industry include grocery stores (i.e., eating home cooked meals), full-service restaurants (both single and multiple location based businesses), catering companies, food trucks, bars and night clubs. Due to the fact that the fast food indus try consumes a large portion of the food market, it can be concluded that there is a medium threat of substitutes. Examining the bargaining power of suppliers, one can look at two different groups, (1) large companies and (2) small companies. Large companies within the fast food industry include dominant players such as McDonald’s, Subway and Yum! Brands. Due to the large size and demand of these companies, they are relatively dependent on those suppliers who can meet their needs. For these companies, the bargaining power of suppliers is high. However, all other smaller companies are faced with many different suppliers that can meet their demand needs. The smaller companies are faced with low bargaining power of suppliers. All in all, one finds the total bargaining power of suppliers to be at a medium level. Lastly comes the examination of industry rivalry. The three leading companies that take up 33.1% of the market share include McDonald’s, Subway and Yum! Brands. Furthermore, within the market, the total number of companies is forecast to increase on average 1.5% per year to 17,039 in 2019. Overall, the dominant players along with the size of the industry lead to high industry rivalry. Based on the previous analysis and using a scale of 0-10 (0 being very unattractive and 10 being very attractive), the following scores can be determined: Threat of New Entrants = 3, Power of the Buyer = 4, Threat of Substitutes = 6, Bargaining Power of Suppliers = 5 and Industry Rivalry = 3. With an average score of 4.2, it is determined that the fast food industry is of medium attractiveness.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The natural law
The natural law The subject of the article is the natural law. The term used to describe the experience many people have when they maintain their presence. It is well known fact that the natural law is theory depicted by the existence of law whose substances are set by nature and has validity in every corner of the world. Now, the natural law is complex phenomenon but I am going to focus on basic ideas. First of all, we will consider the meaning, emergence, the origin of the natural law. Secondly, I will describe the reasons why there are so many differences among various cultures and whether different cultures evaluate the natural law with a distinct point of view or not. Finally, I will mention some thought of philosophers like Thomas Aquines, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke who have profound impact on natural law theories. It is obvious that the implementation of natural law has fluctuated variedly through the history. For the first time in the history, almost the entire world have different theories of natural law, varying from each other with respect to the legal norms. The natural law theory is apparently very complicated occasion. It was composed of two types of theories, moral and legal theory. The term natural law is not referred to the laws of the nature which science has tried to clasify. Natural law moral theory acquired from the disposition of the human beings and existen ce of the world. On the other hand; being the legal theory independent, the two theories congregate in term of some respects. Since the time immemorial, it is generally wondered that now human society and its civil institutions come into being. In order to overcome the curiosity, philosophers developed the idea of the natural law. The natural law was made use of comprehending the human behaviour in society. The doctrine of natural law trigger the individual rights in constitutional law. In an attempt to come into existence, these rights constituted according to the fundamental structure of government which eliminated the power of majority rule. Notwithstanding there are some significant questions that we should ask ourselves. Can these fundemental constitutional rights be guarenteed by the governments in an attempt to provide citizens free speech, education, medical care etc. ? It is suggested by Joel Feinberg that moral rights as opposed to legal rights explains that human rights a re a subset of moral rights and that natural rights are a subset of human rights. On the other hand John Lockes ideas formulate theory that natural law is moral law and natural rights are moral rights. It may sound as if the situation that one philosopher differs from the other. For instance, Locke characterizes these fundamental moral requirements as God- given individual rights and more basic than human law or government. However, Bentham believes that all law and rights are conventional. They are the product of agreements of social order of government. Bentham defended that there are no rights without law and there is no law without government. There can be only chaos and individual power. We can say that the natural law is known as to be opposed to the positive law which was revealed by human beings. Natural law started to maintain availability with the presence of human beings. Furthermore, thanks to intersection between natural law and natural rights in United States, the decl aration of independence and the constitution of United States took place. This is the glamorous manifestation that the natural law tradition has immense influence on the development of government and law in western civilization, although the issue of natural law is still extremely controversial subject. Like the differences between ideas and prevision of philosophers, there are many disagreements and discrepancy among various cultures and civilizations. The different cultures assess the situation with the challenging point of view. Natural law is generally identified as an ideal legal system which is known to correspond the social requirements in the best way and is not implemented not only particular time period but also every scope of the lifestyle. Custom traditions law are not documental. Even though these sentiments inhabit in social conscience. The custom which is assimilated as a social attitude among individuals of community should meet three requirements in an attempt to become a rule of law. These requirements are sustainability, general notion and enforcements carried out by the government. Consequently, natural law theory can be defined as its content is substantial intrisically arranged naturally, it is more important that everything and in valid, available and also eff ectual. Natural law theory is great matter in terms of both morality and philosophy of law. Beyond it has magnificent reputation with the influence on philosophers. The first and most significant notion of natural law was detected in antique Greek. Primarily natural law which is perceived by antiquity thinkers is the correspondence of behaviour of human beings to the natural rules. The manner of the human beings should be well matched and proper to the natural law as well as physical occasion to be compatible with the physical laws. The creator of the rationalism, Hugo Grotius who spent some of his time with Descartes thought that natural law is universal and its roots were based on human mind. The natural law originated from the social nature of humanity. Thanks to very nature of mind, human beings can discover the principle implemented on themselves. In history of the humanity, human mind sought to reveal the principle with observing the life, habits, customs of people. Thereupon the natural law theory wa brought up by some specific philosophers known as the pioneer of their period. In that era philosophers, in order to identify the natural law, reached the result that the smallest structure of the society is individuals when they attempted to identify the common life while abiding the analysis method. For instance, in physics the term atom was handled the substance of matter. Like that Philosophers perceived the social life as social physic area. Philosopher sought the way to find the solutions to this issue that how both todays sociability and futures sociability should be constituted. In order to comprehend the nature of disposition of human beings, philosophers rendered a verdict that human should have placed on the isolation. As a result, they reached a decision that the affection of mind concatenation is necessary for indiv iduals to lead a society that is harmonizingly peaceful. That is to say; social lifetime is not becoming together with individuals mechanically, it is just dwelling together by utilizing their mind without damaging and becoming harmful to each other. Although you may think that the cultural diversity contradict the idea of natural law, that is not the case exactly. First then, why do people from various corners of the world experience natural law with an amended structure of consideration. Think about this for a minute when you grow up in a particular set of surrondings naturally, you get used to the rules and guidelines that govern the behaviour of the people around you. In a sense, you become totally dependent on the rules of your social group. You tend not to question them, you just accept them without thinking. These rules are often not clearly articulated and therefore you are not aware of their impact. In other words, you are not necessarily conscious of them. Lets turn to the different situations of natural law. The natural law acquires a different character according to the different cultures and philosophers who have great impact on the cultures on some categories about natural law. Stoic Natural Law: The improvement process of natural law can be attributed to the group of Stoics. The development of natural law is concurrent with the enlargement of the empires and kingdoms in Greek world. Stoic natural law is different from the divine or natural source of law in an attempt to obtain rational, real, purposeful order for the universe. And according to belief of Stoics, prosperity and arrangement can only gained through natural law. Stoics believed that the facilities of virtue can enlarge the power and development. Stoics emphasized influently that the theories of individual worth, moral duty and universal brotherhood played a great role in subsequent legal theory. Christian Natural Law: According to the thought of Christian Augustine of Hippo, a life keeping on with the nature is no longer possible. The human beings should have sought the way to maintain the life with the help of divine law and favor of Jesus Christ. In contrast to the philosopher Gratian who reserved this by coinciding the natural law with divine law. Then at the last stage, Thomas Aquinas reconstituted the independent state not only divine law but also eternal law. He defended his idea but could not really comprehend the eternal law that the perfection of human reason can only achieved with the approaches of eternal law and supported by divine law. Thomas Aquinas also stated that all human beings can be judged by the dependance and the loyalty about the natural law. According to the Christian law, the unfair law is not evaluated as law. In other words the unfair law remains merely the appearance of law. Christian natural law theory adjusted that the natural law was not used just to implement the moral aspects of laws also to make decision about what the law should have said in the first place of the occasion. For this reason, in some circumstances events could be resulted in great tension. It is the most significant fact that Christian law focused on truthfullness of actions in the view of ethic rather than the result. The natural law purpose is to gain the goodness and it focused on the whether the things become real and formed the happiness and goodness or not. Islamic Natural Law: The presence of natural law was admited. The advocator of natural law Abu Mansur AlMaturidi dedicated that the human beings could very well be aware of the existence of God and their apprehension could differentiate the good and the evil with the help of the feature of perception. In addition in this point of view human beings should have taken notice of inaccurate behaviours like killing, drinking alcoholism, gambling which were referred to the evils. Classical Natural Law Theory: The theory pointed out that there is nondocumented relation betweeen natural law and morality. With respect to this observation, law can not be precisely clarified without the favor of moral argument. Thomas Aquinas contributed the composition of classical law theory. Aquinas set apart laws in four groups such as eternal, natural, human, divine law. Eternal law is a degree of God which performs all creation and nature occasions. Human law also is positive law made by human changes persistently. On the other side divine law is defined as any law that in the thought of believers originated directly from the will. It is frequently mentioned that the natural law is composed of eternal law which administrate the behaviour of human beings in order to provide them for possesing free will. Furthermore, Thomas Aquinas can be stated as being representative and pioneer of the classical theory. Thomas Aquinas asserted that it is compulsory to do good things and to avoid bad habits and evil. It is well worth emphasizing that in his view of what is good and evil is came out from nature and temperament of beings. Thomas Aquinas described natural law activity of human participation in the eternal law, in providence. As you know, life of all creators will terminate in the end as human beings are aroused to explore the world. The slice of lifetime is to differentiate the good and the evil and after that maintain life according to precepts. There is a formulatic statement with Aquinas; that Man is by nature a social or political animal(DERS KITABI). Along with this commitment, he does not denote that we have inclination to participate in social contracts. The nature can not be preferred or chosen. It is just given and individuals must adjust their first born place. Because of the fact that it is like ring of chair, the conformation of family have influence on the maintance of life and survival and also humanbeigs flourish the various social and political communities. Aquinas c onveying the impression of Aristoteles depicted the people who can discriminate between the awful, weird and good, pleasent things. In addition to, coming into being individual with nature, human beings go astray and deteoriate with nature. Besides this, people should know natural law even if they are alone. Aquinas characterized the knowledge of primitive and complicated. In his point of view, simple informations are based on just unique definition or descriptions. At the same time the latter, knowlegde of complex abide by affirmation or negation of one thing of another. Put another word; every first happening things is comprised of series of the others. There is s connection between phenomenons. Thomas have a tenet that There is a conception which is prior to and presupposed by all other conceptions and judgement that is prior to and presupposed by all other judgements. Also think about it for a moment what does Thomas mean saying that since knowledge is expressed by language this seems to come down to the assertion that there is a first word that everyone utters and first statement that would appear in everyon es babybook on the appropriate page .(INTERNET KAYNAK) However surely that is not the case. In my opinion, although the life of the human beings resemble each other regarding birth, death, a great quantity of occasions yield different consequences on anothers. Even though there is a common language either the perception of the language or utilizing and keeping it alive varies. To sum up, Aquinas characterizes the God as pure mind and so he thought that individuals dominate the mind, they comprise the model of God. Aquinas thought that the law is an ordinance of reasons directed to the God and also should make by one who has confidence of community and should be promulgated. Another advocater of natural law is Thomas Hobbes. In Hobbes point of view; he dedicated that justifying towards certainity is more difficult than defining oneself. He uttered that individuals are equal in terms of damaging themselves. Hence, in an attempt to secure oneself and maintain existence, people can reach an agreement to constitute a government which is legitimate and quarantee complicated and profound issues, dilemma by setting aside our hostilities. He admitted that there was no reasoning about what is good, bad, better, worse. Hobbes evaluated the world administrated by mechanic movements as an ordinary hole of matters. Lively substances such as animal, plant, human are the fragment of the entire world. As to Hobbes both physical and mental life time dependent of the constution of mechanical actions. Thats why neither spirit, angel nor God are available. They are merely product of imaginary or belong to argument of belief. What distinguishes Hobbes notion from the notions propounded by other natural law theorists is the different denotation is referred to reason. By the side of Hobbes, reasoning is caltulation by means of we draw consequences for the nature occasions in an attempt to express and denote our feelings and opinions. Owing to Hobbes, the law of nature indicates what is good or evil in realiton to given end otherwise the other theorists emphasised that individuals comprise a team about what is good or evil in theirselves. Moreover, the natural law states prominently what is convenient or inconvenient to the reachment of the end which is peaceful and symbolizes supreme utility. For this reason the basement of natural law prescribes the way people seeking peace, benefitions, goodness. Hobbes highlighted especially that it is possible to obtain a peace, provided the state is utilized like an effective bridge. In brief, owing to Hobbes natural law command everyone conveying their specific rigths in order to assure the ways for conserving peace. It is explicit judgement that this can come to the fruition by means of state. We accomplish the thoughts about him by making deduction from his words you would give up liberty to gain security. As a result; the objectives should be seeking the peace, defending ourselves, surrending our Liberties which can be defined as the absence of external impediments for peace. Another theorist about natural law is John Locke who stuck in humans mind despite the fact that he is known in an account generating the fundamentals of revolutions French, Amerikan and British. Owing to John Locke, people are connected each other with no principle of natural law. Natural law are rationalistic and the reason of existence of human beings. In his point of view; God has confered to all peopla fundamental rights about life, health, liberty and possessions. For this reason, he encumbered to the government for protecting rights. Since he anticipated that the state which should be respectful about personal ownership and secure privileges has responsibilities to the citizens,inhabitants. John Locke consistently confronted with the question why should we obey the law of nature?. He thought that reasoning is kind of advisory.In human reason and divine reason it is just admited that what the God looks like. As if Locke took the natural law granted in spite of the fact that God created us with reason in an attempt to pursue Gods will and all of cases are exprienced like in divine and human law. Should the need arise; all humankind drew ones first breath being equal, indepent and free. With the help of natural law, willpower of God can be found out and what can be suited to the rational world. It is not quite accurate that the natural law is command of mind. Since mind can not ascertain the natural law by constructioning, individuals can not generate any social group or unity without natural law. The other prof showing the presence of law is that individual who made mistake on purpose and act in a nasty particular behaviour, can not feel welfare about conscience. Neither virtue nor goodness and rewarding being possible is veracity. Very important feature of Lockes Second Treatise of Government as a work of political modeling is its concern with the question of why people need structures of governance, in particular laws as regulatory forces in communal life. Essentially, a political theory needs to not only study and model the structures and duties of government but also speculate about why we need such a construction and regulation in our lives. Locke examines this by first questioning what state all men are naturally in.1 Men in the state of nature are in a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons, as they think fit, without asking leave, or depending upon the will of any other man.2 That is, the essence of human nature is to be free from any restraints on ones actions. Such unrestrained freedom, however, makes everyone both judge and executioner of the law of nature3 which, in turn, is very likely to impose a threat to another persons freedom and right to live. If, for instance, people punish their offenders in their own judgment and without any regulations that limit such punitive actions, one of the most important principles of justice, that punishment should be consistent and should fit the crime, will be violated. Thus, in the absence of governing structures, mens self-interest and natural instinct to preserve themselves and their possessions will eventually spur the society to unjust practices, thereby disrupting the peace and order of the communal life. This argument about human nature and why it requires certain structures of governance becomes yet stronger with the idea of how men are naturally inclined to protect their own property and seize new property at the same time: The great and chief end, therefore, of mens putting themselves under government and known law, is the preservation of their property. To which in the state of nature there are many things wanting.1 Through his arguments, Locke devises a political theory by analyzing which political model is most likely to bring people out of their state ofcommunal life. This argument about human nature and why it requires certain structures of governance becomes yet stronger with the idea of how men are naturally inclined to protect their own property and seize new property at the same time: The great and chief end, therefore, of mens putting themselves under government and known law, is the preservation of their property. To which in the state of nature there are many things wanting.1 Through his arguments, Locke devises a political theory by analyzing which political model is most likely to bring people out of their state of nature, and looking back to the historical context of his work, does so on the basis of empirical evidence. Thus, Second Treatise on Government, as a work of political theory, creates a strong foundation for why people need a certain political model and laws that it lays the grounds for.
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