Saturday, May 23, 2020
Childhood Depression And Attention Deficit Hyperactivity...
Childhood Mental Disorders, such as anxiety, depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, are chronic health conditions that present between birth and age 18.1 Mental disorders are characterized as a â€Å"combination of abnormal thoughts, emotions, and behaviors†2 that may impair a child’s functioning in school, at home, and in everyday life. They are caused by a combination of biological and environmental factors i.e. a family history of anxiety and living below the poverty line. CDC estimates that twenty percent of children in the United States currently suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder3 yet 75-80% of affected individuals do not receive necessary mental health services.4 The underutilization of mental health services may†¦show more content†¦$1 billion is spent annually on medical costs associated with children and adolescents’ attempted and completed suicides, 90% of which are committed by mentally disordered individuals. Mental disorders also impose devastating costs on children’s social and emotional wellbeing by impacting the child’s ability to regulate impulses and emotions, understand feelings, develop empathy and confidence, form relationships, and communicate effectively. Children with unidentified mental disorders experience increased rates of involvement with the Juvenile Criminal Justice System. The National Alliance of Mental Health estimates that more 70% of incarcerated youth have at least one diagnosable mental disorder. Adolescents with mental disorders are also significantly more likely to make lower grades and to drop out of high school; 10% of high school dropouts may be attributable to untreated mental disorders. III. Landscape President Obama In his 2013 budget proposal, President Obama set forth the Now Is The Time initiative, which emphasized the need to place mental disorders in young children and adolescents on the national agenda. President Obama proposed a $235 million dollar school-safety and mental health plan that would focus on the prevention, early identification, and treatment of mental disorders by training teachers to identify signs of
Monday, May 18, 2020
Is Virtual Community A Real Community - 915 Words
Persuasive Essay At the age of eight, all I have put effort on learning was begin competitive. The only one interest that became my addition of mine leads to my brother, who has introduced the Toon Town, an online gaming system, where every toon at different level have the opportunity to fight against the cogs with the amount of supplies they have; thereafter, the ones that survives through the fight earns toons’ laughter points to raise their toon levels up from the range as low as twenty-five to an extend as one-hundred thirty seven. The article by Sarah Adams, Be Cool to the pizza Dude demonstrates the ideal example of interacting with community. On the other hand, MySpace Outage Leaves Millions Friendless is an article by the Onion, online networking news publisher convey the downhill side of having to deal with malfunction of their habitual social networking site. Becoming part of an online gaming community makes us all feel good since an online community meets people’s expectatio n for accepting who they really are truly defining that virtual community is a real community. The only connectivity people can find these days easily are through online networking. MySpace Outage Leaves Millions Friendless is an article from America s finest news source, The Onion, has plethora of people turn down for not having for three straight days. It is fearless now days to make friend without walking up to stranger but to just befriend someone from the distant. ForShow MoreRelatedEssay on In what sense are virtual communities real?1351 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿In what sense(s) are virtual communities real communities? A virtual community is a network of people who interact through various forms of media, and allow users to obtain support, advice, friendship and sometimes merely just interaction with others. In a world where the internet is becoming ever more important, and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are now a part of many peoples every day lives, there is a strong sense that online, virtual communities are becoming ever moreRead MoreA Virtual Community By Rene Lysloff1505 Words  | 7 PagesA ‘virtual community’ is a type of imagined community and is a difficult concept to define; the ambiguous nature of this concept is highlighted by the many definitions created by researchers. A Virtual Community is when â€Å"Individuals communicate and form a relationship with each other in a computer mediated space with the use of technology. Anthropologists undergo the practice of participation observation on the internet , allowing them to experience a virtual community; this shapes their understandingRead More The Impact Of Online Communities On Physical Social Relationships1310 Words  | 6 Pagestime in online communities to network with virtual friends and play role plays. They provide an advantage for people with special needs who cannot leave the house, because they benefit from the accessibility of the internet. Moreover, they help people who often move to stay in touch with their friends. Nevertheless, spending too much time in online communities leads to drawbacks in the development of the user’s personality. More energy is dedicated to the virtual life than to real life and peopleRead MoreThe Impact of Online Communities on Physica Social Relationships1405 Words  | 6 Pagestime in online communities to network with virtual friends and play role plays. They provide an advantage for people with sp ecial needs who cannot leave the house, because they benefit from the accessibility of the internet. Moreover, they help people who often move to stay in touch with their friends. Nevertheless, spending too much time in online communities leads to drawbacks in the development of the user’s personality. More energy is dedicated to the virtual life than to real life and peopleRead MoreEssay on Virtual Worlds Defined1511 Words  | 7 PagesVirtual Worlds Defined Modern virtual worlds are massive, simulated environments that can be accessed via the World Wide Web. Virtual worlds can be categorized into two distinct groups: â€Å"gaming†virtual worlds and â€Å"social†virtual worlds. As their names imply, these two categories of virtual worlds are distinguished by their overall purposes. The first type is designed primarily for game play, and the second type almost exclusively for communications. Gaming virtual worlds also abbreviated asRead More Diversity of Online Communities Essay1180 Words  | 5 PagesDiversity of Online Communities The article in U.S. News World Report called Go Play-On the Web represents a community of virtual gamers on the Internet. These games are a lot more complex than the online gaming of the past. When these people that belong to this particular community log on to the net they are interacting with each other in huge 3-D virtual worlds. Some of these games focus on a particular subject like playing virtual game shows with others on the net. Some of the new gamesRead More The Nature of Online Communities Essay1449 Words  | 6 PagesNature of Online Communities What brings people together on the internet? Is it the desire to find a friend and a community or is it the other extreme of finding someone to argue with and release all the anger that has built up inside? Do people not like who they are in real life and find the internet as a place to have a new identity, the person that they have always wanted to be? Or, is it what Rheingold states in his article â€Å"The Virtual Community,†â€Å"virtual communities treat them asRead MoreThe Community Of A Virtual Village986 Words  | 4 PagesAs a part of the â€Å"virtual village†project volunteer, our aim was to research about our community regarding necessities of older adults, their accessibility to healthcare, and overall what resources are available for them that make their life easy to live. Our group decided to focus on Edgewater Community to understand older adults’ needs. This service learning experience has had a significant impact on my professional development. During the experience, I had an opportunity meet with many healthRead MoreOnline Gaming and Fraud in Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) 1359 Words  | 5 Pagesof large communities to online gaming. With that high amount of traffic, these online games have become prime targets for crime to emerge from. Due to the online nature and virtual elements of this kind of community, the most common type of crime committed was theft, followed closely by fraud (Chen 2005). With the increase in online communities from online gaming, businesses have started advertising both to these markets and through them. This has opened up not only the online communities to the threatRead MoreVirtual World1568 Words  | 7 PagesVIRTUAL WORLD CONTENTS: VIRTUAL IN THE REAL WORLD HISTORY APPICATIONS/USES WHY VIRTUAL WORLD RATHER THAN REAL WORLD FUTURE REAL WORLD: It is the world where we can feel , touch,emotions etc. VIRTUAL WORLD: It is a world where digital creatures look like real life , sounds like real life feel like real life. ABOUT VIRTUAL REALITY: In 1965 , Ivan Sutherland published a paper called ,†The Ultimate display â€Å" in which he described the computers as
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Are the Political Ideas of Machiavelli Still Relevant in...
Bridget Moran Hum2230 Are the Political Ideas of Machiavelli still relevant in Today’s World? Niccolo Machiavelli was born on May 3, 1469 in Florence. Machiavelli was considered one of the most controversial political philosophers of his time. Machiavelli began working in the Florence government at a young age, employed as a clerk and later as an ambassador to the â€Å"Holy Roman Emperor Maximilan, the King of France and Pope Julius II.†Throughout his employment with the government of Florence, Machiavelli began noticing the effects that one person had over an entire country. In 1513 Machiavelli wrote what would be one of his most renowned works â€Å"The Prince,†in which Machiavelli expresses his political ideas of ruling a†¦show more content†¦Although some leaders today would deny that fact that they act under Machiavelli’s way of thinking or behavior. Some would argue the fact that Machiavelli’s political ideas are in fact still relevant. In Scott Erb’s, â€Å"Reading Revolutions: Great Minds, Great Thoughts Machiavelli and Power Politics,†Erb states that if we could bring Machiavelli to the year 2005, â€Å"would Machiavelli have gone to war with Iraq?†Scott goes on to state that this would be a case where â€Å"Machiavelli would have relied on deception, delusion, and secret deals, perhaps even with Saddam Hussein.†Erb also pose another questioned in which he asks, â€Å"How would Machiavelli assess the war in Iraq?†He states that â€Å"it’s pretty obvious that Machiavelli would have assessed it as a dismal failure. He’d argue that if you are to fight a war, and you are a major power, you must come at it with everything you need to totally dominate. He’d be appalled at the way the US has allowed itself to be weakened and humiliated by not having enough forces to control the country, but yet enough to create dissent at home and chaos in Iraq. He’d also think the idea of spreading democracy or nation building was absurd; better to simpl y put an authoritarian leader in power that will be friendly to us.†If we take a look at the Patriot Act, would we say that would have been something that Machiavelli would have approve. What about protecting the country by any means necessary from terrorism? WouldShow MoreRelatedThe Prince1232 Words  | 5 PagesThe United States has been at the forefront of international affairs for many years and has gotten to a point where the democratic nation has established a strong political influence, a political presence that sends shockwaves throughout the international arena whenever nations display political indifferences; some of which may involve the United States. 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While no governments today exactly match those advocated for by Machiavelli and SocratesRead MoreAre Thucydides and His History of the Peloponnesian War Still Relevant for the Analysis of Contemporary International Relations? Why2129 Words  | 9 Pagesdifferences between Thucydides era and our world system today, Thucydides persists to influence contemporary international relations, namely Realism, with many realists frequently referring to the Melian Dialogue when advocating a power-based approach. With Thucydides often portraying insights into human nature, many scholars use his findings as a guide that is still relevant today due to the generality of self-interest, fear and power maximisation that still occurs as it did previously. Thucydides’Read MoreEssay about The Ideal Leader1342 Words  | 6 PagesHow would the world be different if we had a president who habitually did the right thing and was admired by everyone? In a world where the political scene is constantly changing and is often dominated by tyrants, we can go back in time and gather wisdom from Plato as to what an ideal leader looks like. For instance, most leaders we see today are proud, self-seeking and trapped in a cave that tells them that success comes from oppression and looking out for their own good; however, Plato shows usRead MoreTo What Extent Was The Economy Responsible For Rome s Decline?3483 Words  | 14 PagesRome was an ancient civilization so mighty its influence is still felt today. Rome was able to conquer much of the land around the Mediterranean. They were a people with advancements not seen during the time, introducing forms of science and war that are still seen today (Andrews)1. This society lasted for over 1,0 00 years, leaving its mark on the world for years to come. How could it be that this mighty civilization came to fall? The decline of a Rome is an often-debated topic due to the many factors
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on The Trials of Odysseus of Homers Odyssey
The Trials of Odysseus Homers epic poem The Odyssey was written after his Iliad which told the tales of the Trojan War. This Odyssey told of the wanderings of a prominent warrior and ruler, Odysseus. Odysseus fought in the Trojan War and, after the Greeks claimed their victory at Troy, began his prolonged journey home. During his travels Odysseus faced many obstacles which he had to overcome. Through his wanderings, Odysseus had to prove his valor, intellect, and determination. Incorporated into The Odyssey are many current-day characteristics of man including a constant dependence on others, the presence of a greater vision, or lack there of, and the essence of a sensitive side behind courage and pride. At times throughout†¦show more content†¦Athena reassured Odysseus throughout the epic poem saying I am a god and will protect you to the end, through all your toils (196). Odysseus became dependent on Athenas encouragement and lacked self-reliance. He believed it was all right to doubt himself because he knew that Athena would always be there to brush the doubt away and encourage him on his journey home. Odysseus depended on mortals and immortals to boost his confidence and he sought their help, knowing that both would come to his aid because they pitied him. Odysseus journey home was to prove that he could do something on his own, but the mortals and immortals pity constantly helped him along his journey. Odysseus was aware that both men and gods would help him and he said Oh hear me now, although before though didst not hear me, when I was wrecked, what time the great Land-shaker wrecked me. Grant that I come among the Phaecians welcomed and pitied by them (61) and so Odysseus foreshadowed what was to come. He knew that when he reached the land of the Phaecians that they would feel sorry for him and would try to help him. He became so dependent on others help, that he forgot his own intellect and determination, and he ended up not making the journey on his own. Although Odysseus did depend on others much more than on his own intellect, valor, and determination, he did maintain a greaterShow MoreRelatedThe Impacts Of The Odyssey In Homers The Odyssey1166 Words  | 5 PagesHomer’s epic poem The Odyssey follows Odysseus on his long journey home. The Epic also includes the stories of Odysseus’ family left behind: the travels of his son, Telemachus, and how plenty, of what we would now call â€Å"home wreckers†, suitors pressured his wife, Penelope, into marrying one of them. The characters are beautifully crafted and the story is truly epic. All the elements presented can bring in any reader from any century, the Cyclops, the Gods, the trickery of Penelope, and the disguisesRead MoreTheme Of Violence In The Odyssey1025 Words  | 5 Pages The Odyssey by Homer is a literary classic that presents many themes about the natures of both man and god. Although the characters of the book display characteristics relatable to those of the people today, one of the most prevalent differences between the two eras and their people is the intense violence that takes place throughout the entirety of the epic. This violence serves several functions in the work as a whole. The violence that is enacted upon the characters of The Odyssey serve as aRead MoreEssay on Odysseus as Pawn of the Gods in Homers Odyssey1663 Words  | 7 PagesOdysseus as Pawn of the Gods in The Odyssey   Throughout literature characters have relied upon entities greater then themselves to furnish them with aid as they meet the many challenges they must face. The Odyssey is a tale of Odysseus’ epic journey and the many obstacles that bar his return home. But Odysseus is not alone in this struggle and receives aid from many gods, especially the clear-eyed goddess Athena. There are times when Odysseus beseeches the gods for aid, but other times heRead MoreVarying Cultural Structures in Homers The Illiad and The Odyssey1008 Words  | 5 Pagestheir everyday life and the state of their land. Both Hephaestus, in Homer’s Iliad, and Odysseus, in Homer’s The Odyssey, set out to portray the cultures that they saw, yet the cultures and societies varied greatly, from Hephaestus illustrating the highly developed societies of the Greek and their culture; while on the other hand, Odysseus seems baffled by how underdeveloped the Cyclopes land and culture is. Hephaest us and Odysseus seem to have the same understanding what is normal of a culture, societyRead MoreHomer s Odyssey : A Greek Hero940 Words  | 4 PagesHomer’s Odyssey Work Sample Odysseus is not your typical Greek hero. Greek heroes like Achilles and Hercules used purely their physical advantages and enormous strength to overcome their challenges. Odysseus however, in addition to his god-like strength, used his wits and mental horsepower -- which needless to say he had a lot of. This allowed him to get out of some very sticky situations. Odysseus primarily used thought, patience, and clever tricks to overcome obstacles thrown in front of himRead More Loyalty in Homers Odyssey Essay601 Words  | 3 PagesLoyal Relationships in Homers Odyssey Loyalty is heroic. Loyalty is defined as faithfulness or devotion to a person, cause, obligations, or duties. In Homers Odyssey one can see loyalty in many forms. Odysseus is loyal to the gods whom he realized held his life in their hands. Penelope was loyal to Odysseus, while trying not to offend the rude suitors. Telemachus was loyal to a father whom he only knew from the stories he had been told. Time and time again we see loyalty in the strongest senseRead MoreOdysseus : The Hero Of The Story1489 Words  | 6 Pagestheir heroes. In Homer’s The Odyssey, Odysseus is considered the hero of the story. While Odysseus does demonstrate some qualities that are not heroic, he is still defined as a hero because of his better, more heroic qualities in which he is far superior in than any other man. The qualities in which define Odysseus as a hero are courage, intelligence, and leadership. In Homer’s The Odyssey, Odysseus demonstrates the courage to face danger and adversity. When Odysseus and his men meetRead MoreExamples Of Archetypes In The Odyssey890 Words  | 4 Pages Much information can be gained from Homer’s epic,The Odyssey about ancient Greek civilizations and their what they valued morally. The Odyssey has a variety of different archetypes that are still relevant in modern times. The legend of Odyssey has been passed down from poet to poet for five hundred years until finally Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey down somewhere between eight hundred fifty and seven hundred fifty B.C. In Homer’s epic the Odyssey, there are three archetypes that provide insightsRead More Lust in Homers The Odyssey and Aristophanes’ Lysistrata Essay1380 Words  | 6 PagesLust in Homers The Odyssey and Aristophanes’ Lysistrata Lust is defined as an intense longing or a sexual desire. It is a common theme in literature; particularly in classic Greek literature. The reason it is so prevalent in literature is that is prevalent in our daily lives. Everyone lusts after something or someone. It is an interesting topic to examine closely, and classic literature is an excellent medium for such an investigation. Two works I have studied, in which lust is a theme, areRead MoreOdysseus : The Perilous Journey In Homers The Odyssey785 Words  | 4 PagesIn Homer’s Epic The Odyssey, Odysseus the main protagonist tells the perilous journey he encountered after departing from Ithaca. Progressively through the story Odysseus finds himself at the hands of mortals and divine beings where he must find a way to return on his path for his kingdom. Odysseus fought many different enemies during his time away from home and for this he is praised by the Phaeacians. However, Odysseus throughout the story makes unwise deci sions which cause his soldiers to lose
Financial Management †Meaning, Objectives and Functions Free Essays
Meaning of Financial Management Financial Management means planning, organizing, directing and controlling the financial activities such as procurement and utilization of funds of the enterprise. It means applying general management principles to financial resources of the enterprise. Scope/Elements Investment decisions includes investment in fixed assets (called as capital budgeting). We will write a custom essay sample on Financial Management – Meaning, Objectives and Functions or any similar topic only for you Order Now Investment in current assets are also a part of investment decisions called as working capital decisions. Financial decisions – They relate to the raising of finance from various resources which will depend upon decision on type of source, period of financing, cost of financing and the returns thereby. Dividend decision – The finance manager has to take decision with regards to the net profit distribution. Net profits are generally divided into two: Dividend for shareholders- Dividend and the rate of it has to be decided. Retained profits- Amount of retained profits has to be finalized which will depend upon expansion and diversification plans of the enterprise. Objectives of Financial Management The financial management is generally concerned with procurement, allocation and control of financial resources of a concern. The objectives can be- To ensure regular and adequate supply of funds to the concern. To ensure adequate returns to the shareholders which will depend upon the earning capacity, market price of the share, expectations of the shareholders. To ensure optimum funds utilization. Once the funds are procured, they should be utilized in maximum possible way at least cost. To ensure safety on investment, i. , funds should be invested in safe ventures so that adequate rate of return can be achieved. To plan a sound capital structure-There should be sound and fair composition of capital so that a balance is maintained between debt and equity capital. Functions of Financial Management Estimation of capital requirements: A finance manager has to make estimation with regards to capital requirements of the company. This will depend upon ex pected costs and profits and future programmes and policies of a concern. Estimations have to be made in an adequate manner which increases earning capacity of enterprise. Determination of capital composition: Once the estimation have been made, the capital structure have to be decided. This involves short- term and long- term debt equity analysis. This will depend upon the proportion of equity capital a company is possessing and additional funds which have to be raised from outside parties. Choice of sources of funds: For additional funds to be procured, a company has many choices like- Issue of shares and debentures Loans to be taken from banks and financial institutions Public deposits to be drawn like in form of bonds. Choice of factor will depend on relative merits and demerits of each source and period of financing. Investment of funds: The finance manager has to decide to allocate funds into profitable ventures so that there is safety on investment and regular returns is possible. Disposal of surplus: The net profits decision have to be made by the finance manager. This can be done in two ways: Dividend declaration – It includes identifying the rate of dividends and other benefits like bonus. Retained profits – The volume has to be decided which will depend upon expansional, innovational, diversification plans of the company. Management of cash: Finance manager has to make decisions with regards to cash management. Cash is required for many purposes like payment of wages and salaries, payment of electricity and water bills, payment to creditors, meeting current liabilities, maintainance of enough stock, purchase of raw materials, etc. Financial controls: The finance manager has not only to plan, procure and utilize the funds but he also has to exercise control over finances. This can be done through many techniques like ratio analysis, financial forecasting, cost and profit control, etc How to cite Financial Management – Meaning, Objectives and Functions, Essay examples
Recruitment Process in Swimming Pool-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Analyze a Recruitment Process for a Vacant Position in Victors Swimming Pool Company. Answer: Introduction The name of the company is Victors Swimming Pool in Canada that offers unmatchable pool service to the customers and learners. The company specializes in offering swimming training to both children and adults. The swimming class offered by the company is unmatchable and offers training to the people that love swimming and have a passion for it. The area in which the swimming pool is located is beautiful and offers a soothing atmosphere to the learners. Other than offering swimming training, the company also offers fitness training to both teenagers and adults. The entity employs persons on various designations such as swimming trainer, fitness trainer, accountant and managers. These are the major designation available in the Victors swimming pool service. The main competitors of the company in that region that offers similar service are Bayview Hill Pool and Wave Pool. The papers will view the job vacancy of a swimming trainer in the Victors swimming Pool and the recruitment process. Discussion Legal environment The legal environment plays a great role in the operation of swimming pool business in Ontario, Canada. These legal laws apply to every company that operates such business in the world. One of the legal environments that the company needs to abide by is the safety rules. The company needs to maintain some amount of safety rules in its service environment. This is because teaching swimming involves a lot of risk and thus needs safety measures. Other then this there are certain employment laws that the company needs to abide such as the minimum wage laws, hours of work and others. Such laws affect the pay structure of the company. The minimum wage law of Ontario is $11.60 and employers have to maintain that. Moreover, it also affects the employees as the employees will get a pay more than the above wage rate and will not be exploited by the employers and the hours of work will also be maintained[1]. Job analysis Title- Swimming Trainer Job statement-to instruct and train students of all ages on swimming skills and techniques Essential Functions- the new hire will be responsible for delivering a lesson plan, ensure providing equipments safely to the student and maintain the safety standards. He/she will be responsible for teaching various swimming techniques to the students. Job Specifications- trainer, instructors, communicator and inspiration Should be a certified trainer in swimming skills ad at least two year experience on the same field Standards of performance-should be able to deliver its skills in the best possible way and teach students in a friendly and professional manner. Working Condition- should be ready to work anytime of the day in good and comfortable working condition. They will be offered with the best facility and working environment to train the students. Organization Chart Source: Authors creation Recruitment The recruitment strategy that the company can use for recruiting the best pool of candidates for the swimming trainer is Social Recruitment Strategies. It is a strategy that will help the company to get the best quality candidates with low expense[2]. For this strategy, the company can use social media as their advertising and promotional method. Social media is chosen as an advertising tool for advertising the job because it is one of the widely used channelsnowadays. The social media advertisement can be done by publishing blogs, videos and webinars, which will help candidates, judge the job, comment and question on the page[3]. It will help the company to be a brand image among the people and thus high quality candidates get attracted through this method. Moreover, this process is also very cost effective compared to other recruitment method. Selection The company will carry out In person interview for selecting the right candidate and fill up the vacant place. The interview will require that eth candidate visit the office and the interviewer will ask questions to the candidate related to the job role. Interview will be conducted by the Head Swimming trainer as the head trainer known the right skills and attitude needed for the role of a trainer[4]. The questions in the interview will mainly be on the passions, hobbies, like and dislikes of the candidate and some on their experiences. The candidates will be given certain situations and will be asked to respond on the situation. The four main interview questions that the interview could ask the candidates are: What is there about swimming that attracts you? What are the basic things that one needs to know while swimming? How badly you can achieve your passion in life? What are the precautions to be used while handling a critical situation in swimming? These questions will help the interviewer judge the passion for swimming in the candidate and technical and necessary knowledge it has about swimming. Orientation Orientation is the nest important steps that the company or recruiter will take to guide the recruited employee on-board. The orientation strategy will be such that the new employee feels comfortable in the first day of job[5]. Orientation process will include: The company will introduce the company and its policy to the new trainer in the first fifteen minutes, as it has to abide by it while on job. The head of trainers will introduce the company to the new candidate After the introduction, there will be half an hour interaction session in which the employee will be informed about the hours of training given, number of batches in a day and the groups that will be allotted under him/her. The next one hour will be taken by offering training to the new employee so that he/she can do the job efficiently. Training The training steps: The skills that will be taken care of in the training process is maintaining safety standards while teaching swimming The training will ensure that the new employee gets well informed about the measures that need to be taken while a person is drowning, while teaching a new student and while sending a student from one stage to another stage of swimming[6]. The training will be a practical training in which the head trainer will put the employee in different situation and will help him/her to act rightfully in that situation. It will be a practical training rather than theoretical. After the fifteen days training is over the employee will be given various situations and will be asked to act accordingly following the rules. This will help the head trainer to judge whether all the rules were maintained or not. Compensation From the above analysis, it can be stated that Victors Swimming Pool Company offers exclusive swimming classes to students belonging to all age group. Thus, the company will offer good compensation package to the new recruitment[7]. The new trainer that the company will recruit will be offered $500 per month. Along with the salary, the company will also offer extra facilities such as food, incentive for overtime and others. This, will offer an initiative to the trainer to offer its best service to the company. The compensation strategy of the company is abiding by the minimum wage strategy of Ontario. Thus, this shows that the company is abiding by the legal laws of the state so that it can be there in business for longer time. Compensation Structure Direct Pay Basic Pay: $150 Variable Pay: Bonus: $100 End of the year Bonus: $100 Informal Bonus: $50 Overtime incentive: Upto $100 Indirect Pay Benefits: Health Insurance Food Housing allowance to employees that relocates References "Annual Minimum Wage Increase To Come Into Effect October 1." N.p., 2017. Web. 27 Nov. 2017. Ford, J. Kevin.Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Psychology Press, 2014. Hu, TA Fang. "HRIR 6501: Compensation and Benefits Spring 2016." (2016). King, David B., Norm Orourke, and Anita DeLongis. "Social media recruitment and online data collection: A beginners guide and best practices for accessing low-prevalence and hard-to-reach populations."Canadian Psychology/Psychologiecanadienne55.4 (2014): 240. Lockyer, Julia, et al. "Effectiveness of Multiple Recruitment Strategies for a Large Clinical Trial with Learner Teen Drivers." (2014). Patterson, Fiona, et al. "How effective are selection methods in medical education? A systematic review."Medical Education50.1 (2016): 36-60. Wenk, Hans Rudolf, ed.Preferred Orientation in Deformed Metal and Rocks: An Introduction to Modern Texture Analysis. El "Annual Minimum Wage Increase To Come Into Effect October 1." N.p., 2017. Web. 27 Nov. 2017. Lockyer, Julia, et al. "Effectiveness of Multiple Recruitment Strategies for a Large Clinical Trial with Learner Teen Drivers." (2014). King, David B., Norm Orourke, and Anita DeLongis. "Social media recruitment and online data collection: A beginners guide and best practices for accessing low-prevalence and hard-to-reach populations."Canadian Psychology/Psychologiecanadienne55.4 (2014): 240. Patterson, Fiona, et al. "How effective are selection methods in medical education? A systematic review."Medical Education50.1 (2016): 36-60. Wenk, Hans Rudolf, ed.Preferred Orientation in Deformed Metal and Rocks: An Introduction to Modern Texture Analysis. Elsevier, 2016. Ford, J. Kevin.Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Psychology Press, 2014. Hu, TA Fang. "HRIR 6501: Compensation and Benefits Spring 2016." (2016).
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Emotional Intelligence and Nursing Performance
Question: Discribe about the Emotional Intelligence and Nursing Performance Among Nursing Students of Nurse Education Today? Answer: Introduction When a nurse graduate takes his/her first placement, the transition poses a number of challenging tasks. Research shows, the burden of the transition shock is so high that less than 50% of practicing nurse will recommend anybody to take nursing as career and less than 25% will actively discourage others to take nursing as their career or profession in future. It will not surprise the readers that 30-60% of the new recruited nurses plan to leave their job or change the profession within first year of practice(Michalec, 2013). The above figure indicate towards an ever prolonged issue of transition shock which act as a shock for aspiring nursing graduates and also policy makes and health care institutions. High turn outs due to challenges faced during transition is a preventable issue, yet it is still haunting freshly graduated nurses during their initial placement(Penbrant et al, 2013). The present article will present a critical reflection on graduate learning and how it might help in future placement. As per ANMC it is prime role of a nurse to provide best care, take accountability of actions and must be professionally competent. Research suggests reflection in nursing practice provides a platform to meet these guidelines which justifies the article. The main objective of this article is to provide a critical reflection on graduation studies and how it is going to help in our future practice and how challenges will be faced based upon such study. Body I was enrolled in mental health program which is a three year study course. The essay addresses different management issues faced during the graduation study and will discuss how the knowledge and skills gained during the three year study will help in future as a practice nurse. During my graduation study, in the first year I was placed in an acute ward, then moved to a rehabilitation unit, community hospital addressing disability children health issues, and last placement was in a mental health unit where I am privileged to interact with geriatric mental patients. All though from each and every placement I got real time issues and faced with difficulty, the last placement was an eye opener which eradicated age long misconceptions and doubts. The problems faced during the placement were not getting enough support from my seniors or other nurses in the ward. I assume this was the hurdle which prevented me understanding the underlying problems in different units and problems of patient s too. According to Reeve et al(2013) , students (second degree) must be helped by their educators in order to develop positive coping strategy. Educators have the potential to provide the best platform to their students which will help them in understanding the rigor of the profession. Thus, I hope if I would have been helped by my peers and seniors my understanding of real problems would have been much easier. The second issue faced during my first year placement was incorrect use of terminology in my hand over and notes. Nursing handover and notes are very important for maintenance of safety of patient. These are basic parts of nursing communication which improves safety, and ensure continuum of care. The communication during that period was poor due to my poor understanding of problem as a whole. Due to poor in communication skills in real time, I failed to manage things properly and ended with scolding from seniors and staff nurse. Research suggests initial discouragement and h arassment leads to negative impression and perception by the students which can eventually lead to leaving the profession(Dawson et al, 2014). The support from staff and seniors are extremely essential for a novice to withstand such high pressure. Although, very less support was there during my initial days, I did some research into communication after second year of course. The main reason was supportive teaching and helping staff. With the support from my friends and peers, I was able to apply communication strategy learnt during second year. In the meantime, the college arranged a six day simulation program for improving therapeutic relationship with patient. As per my view, this was the turning point which fine-tuned my communication skills. In a recent research carried out by Ramm, Thomson and Jackson (2015), conducted an open ended survey to find out the effect of students involved in peer teaching and assessing method. The research found positive response from students as wel l as facilitators and it concluded peer teaching and assessment principles can help nursing students in preparation for their future role. This supports inclusion of simulation in nursing course which helps in increasing the confidence of novice nurses. Simulation programs not only helps to improve communication skills by erasing fear and building confidence but also it prepares final year nurse students to get prepared for their future roles. In 2014, Liaw et al conducted a significant evaluation study where they evaluated a simulated professional learning environment (SIMPLE) among 94 final year students. The study reported significant improvement by the graduate nursing students for future practice nurses. This supports simulation based educational process helps in preparing novice or beginners to practice in a real time environment. During my simulation classes of second year, practicing nurses from different domain participate interactively in passing practical knowledge to stu dents. This was also supported by the research study carried out by Liaw et al. Similar to the above research, another study conducted by Foronda et al in 2014 suggested simulation based exercise helps in preventing anxiety among student nurse and improvement in communication skills. The simulation exercise gave students how to communicate with the patient, what information needs to be retrieved in what manner, and what to recommend to physicians before physicians recommend or administer medications. Therefore, research suggests simulation based class room study gives much confidence to students as they tend to learn things in a virtual clinical scenario. Applying research into practice helped me a lot during my placement sessions in second and third year. The placement during first year was full of mistakes, but later it improved by relating theory and skills learned to practice. The theories learned if applied with analysis can give better insight into a problem. Thus, after first half of first year I was no more a novice rather I gained much knowledge on communication and management. The second year placement was in a mental health unit where dementia patients are treated. It gave me a platform where my thought process changed and gained momentum which made me more confident in my field. Working in this setting gave me more exposure and showed different aspects of nursing. I was experiencing an improvement in my personal and professional skills where I was able to tailor interventions as per patient needs. The planning skill which was lacking during my initial year of placement was improved by that time. I was planning shifts, dealing with mental patients with improved communication (Brown, Stevens and Kermode, 2012). I was assigned a depressed patient from business sector. Although I was working under supervision at that time, with slow and steady communication I came to know due to some internal issues, the client left which made his business shut down. In order to improve his depression sessions I planned to open angel investor account and gave him few ideas how he can start fresh. As we were taught about holistic approach, I thought to give the learned skill a try. I asked one of my senior to arrange a session with the pastor and the client felt very happy. Although I was not aware of the fact, this has been well documented under emotional intelligence of nurse. As per Freshwater and Stickley( 2004), emotional intelligence is yet to be put into the curriculum which has the power to translate the nursing education. In 2013, Boswell and group carried out a retrospective study on journal entry about students interest towards spirituality. They found students embraced spirituality with positive se nse during their study and if it is included in the study curriculum it can help them while treating patients in future (Beauvias et al, 2011). Thus holistic approach was found to be perfect and it gave positive results. Conclusion Thus reflecting upon graduation study while transitioning towards professional nursing, many internal and external hurdles came into limelight. The current education system is insufficient to meet the need of nursing students especially in terms of help and support. The challenges faced during study also revealed the gap between theory and practice which will affect nursing skills as a fresh graduate nurse and might put health care safety in a problematic situation. Nevertheless, when students learn through simulation it enhances their confidence and motivates them to apply the learned skills or theories in practice. Similarly, not everything can be taught through curriculum study, students have to do through research while studying their course curriculum. Studying evidence based literature will help students to address clinical situations in future. Although classical nursing education has been changed, the education system needs to be more practical in terms of having good quality nurse in clinical scenario. Reflection on three year nursing course gave an important view on future scenario. References: Beauvais, A. M., Brady, N., O'Shea, E. R., Griffin, M. T. Q. (2011). Emotional intelligence and nursing performance among nursing students.Nurse education today,31(4), 396-401. Boswell, C., Cannon, S. B., Miller, J. (2013). Students' Perceptions of Holistic Nursing Care.Nursing education perspectives,34(5), 329-333. Brown, J., Stevens, J., Kermode, S. (2012). Supporting student nurse professionalisation: The role of the clinical teacher.Nurse education today,32(5), 606-610. Dawson, A. J., Stasa, H., Roche, M. A., Homer, C. S., Duffield, C. (2014). Nursing churn and turnover in Australian hospitals: nurses perceptions and suggestions for supportive strategies.BMC nursing,13(1), 11. Foronda, C., Gattamorta, K., Snowden, K., Bauman, E. B. (2014). Use of virtual clinical simulation to improve communication skills of baccalaureate nursing students: A pilot study.Nurse education today,34(6), e53-e57. Freshwater, D., Stickley, T. (2004). The heart of the art: emotional intelligence in nurse education.Nursing Inquiry,11(2), 91-98. Houghton, C. E., Casey, D., Shaw, D., Murphy, K. (2013). Students experiences of implementing clinical skills in the real world of practice.Journal of clinical nursing,22(13-14), 1961-1969. Liaw, S. Y., Koh, Y., Dawood, R., Kowitlawakul, Y., Zhou, W., Lau, S. T. (2014). Easing student transition to graduate nurse: A SIMulated Professional Learning Environment (SIMPLE) for final year student nurses.Nurse education today,34(3), 349-355. Michalec, B., Diefenbeck, C., Mahoney, M. (2013). The calm before the storm? Burnout and compassion fatigue among undergraduate nursing students.Nurse education today,33(4), 314-320. Pennbrant, S., Nilsson, M. S., hln, J., Rudman, A. (2013). Mastering the professional role as a newly graduated registered nurse.Nurse education today,33(7), 739-745. Ramm, D., Thomson, A., Jackson, A. (2015). Learning clinical skills in the simulation suite: the lived experiences of student nurses involved in peer teaching and peer assessment.Nurse education today. Reeve, K. L., Shumaker, C. J., Yearwood, E. L., Crowell, N. A., Riley, J. B. (2013). Perceived stress and social support in undergraduate nursing students' educational experiences.Nurse education today,33(4), 419-424.
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