Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Are the Political Ideas of Machiavelli Still Relevant in...
Bridget Moran Hum2230 Are the Political Ideas of Machiavelli still relevant in Today’s World? Niccolo Machiavelli was born on May 3, 1469 in Florence. Machiavelli was considered one of the most controversial political philosophers of his time. Machiavelli began working in the Florence government at a young age, employed as a clerk and later as an ambassador to the â€Å"Holy Roman Emperor Maximilan, the King of France and Pope Julius II.†Throughout his employment with the government of Florence, Machiavelli began noticing the effects that one person had over an entire country. In 1513 Machiavelli wrote what would be one of his most renowned works â€Å"The Prince,†in which Machiavelli expresses his political ideas of ruling a†¦show more content†¦Although some leaders today would deny that fact that they act under Machiavelli’s way of thinking or behavior. Some would argue the fact that Machiavelli’s political ideas are in fact still relevant. In Scott Erb’s, â€Å"Reading Revolutions: Great Minds, Great Thoughts Machiavelli and Power Politics,†Erb states that if we could bring Machiavelli to the year 2005, â€Å"would Machiavelli have gone to war with Iraq?†Scott goes on to state that this would be a case where â€Å"Machiavelli would have relied on deception, delusion, and secret deals, perhaps even with Saddam Hussein.†Erb also pose another questioned in which he asks, â€Å"How would Machiavelli assess the war in Iraq?†He states that â€Å"it’s pretty obvious that Machiavelli would have assessed it as a dismal failure. He’d argue that if you are to fight a war, and you are a major power, you must come at it with everything you need to totally dominate. He’d be appalled at the way the US has allowed itself to be weakened and humiliated by not having enough forces to control the country, but yet enough to create dissent at home and chaos in Iraq. He’d also think the idea of spreading democracy or nation building was absurd; better to simpl y put an authoritarian leader in power that will be friendly to us.†If we take a look at the Patriot Act, would we say that would have been something that Machiavelli would have approve. What about protecting the country by any means necessary from terrorism? WouldShow MoreRelatedThe Prince1232 Words  | 5 PagesThe United States has been at the forefront of international affairs for many years and has gotten to a point where the democratic nation has established a strong political influence, a political presence that sends shockwaves throughout the international arena whenever nations display political indifferences; some of which may involve the United States. 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